Murat Komesli
School of Applied Sciences
Yaşar University$xYSR/En
Murat Komesli holds a PhD degree in Computer Engineering obtained from Ege University-Izmir in 2007, majoring in semantic geographic information systems. His PhD thesis was on the “Integration of Geographic Information Systems with Semantic web by using GML and OWL.” He had completed his MSc thesis on “Site Selection process in Geographic Information Systems” in International Computing Institute, Ege University in 1999. Murat started his professional career as a surveying officer in the various military artillery units after graduation from Military Academy in 1986. He completed his background on Computer Engineering in Middle East Technical University in 1995. Then, he served as Information Systems officer and Chief of Geospatial Support Section in NATO Headquarters Joint Command South East (JCSE), Izmir-TURKEY between 1995-2003. Before his retirement from military with the rank of Colonel in 2007, Murat was active member in both NATO Geographic Conferences representing JCSE in 2001-2002 and in Multilateral Interoperability Programme representing Turkish Land Forces Command in 2004-2007. He worked as a faculty member in Computer and Software Engineering Departments in Yasar University, Izmir-TURKEY between 2007-2017. He has been the Acting Directorate of the School of Applied Sciences and the Head of Management Information Systems Department in Yaşar University since July-2017. He is currently offering and conducting the following courses: Spatial Semantic Web (MSc), Data Integration (MSc), Geographic Information Systems, Database Systems, C-Programming Language, Concepts of Programming Languages.