Cyberbotics Ltd.
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Expertise: We have a strong expertise in computer simulation of mobile robots, 3D representation, graphical user interfaces.
We taking part in the RHEA project (EU-FP7) aiming at developing Robot Fleets for Highly Effective Agriculture and Forestry Management.
We are developing the Webots software, which is the leading software in robotics simulation and fast prototyping. Webots is used by over 900 universities and research centers worldwide.
Webots can simulate any kind of mobile robot (wheeled, legged, flying, swimming, etc.) equipped with various sensors and actuators. It can be used to model, program, simulate mobile robotics systems and transfer the results into real robots, saving a lot of development time and costs.
Facility: Our company has offices in Lausanne with 4 research engineers.
Priority: Simulation software for mobile robots : Webots