Nina Melzer
Leibniz Institute for Farm Animal Biology
Contact by mailDr.-Ing. Nina Melzer Scientist Education 2014: Engineering Doctorate, Dr.-Ing. (Bioinformatics). Topic: “Investigating possibilities to predict milk phenotypes in Holstein Friesian cows based on a more complex model of the genotype-phenotype map” at the University Rostock, Germany 2006: Diploma in Bioinformatics. Topic: “Differentielle Korrelation von Mikroarray-Daten” ("Differential correlation of microarray data") at the Martin-Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Halle (Saale), Germany 10/2000 - 09/2006 Studies of Bioinformatics at the Martin-Luther University Halle-Wittenberg Wittenberg, Halle (Saale), Germany Work Experience 2016-present: Head of Junior Research Group "Phenotyping of Animal Welfare", Leibniz Institute for Farm Animal Biology (FBN) Dummerstorf, Institute of Genetics and Biometry, Germany 01/2016 – 04/2016: three-month research stay at the University of Guelph, Department of Animal Biosciences, Canada 2013-2015: PostDoc at the Leibniz Institute for Farm Animal Biology (FBN) Dummerstorf, Institute of Genetics and Biometry, Germany 2014: Engineering Doctorate, Dr.-Ing. (Bioinformatics). Thesis: "Investigating possibilities to predict milk phenotypes in Holstein Friesian cows based on a more complex model of the genotype-phenotype map" at the University Rostock, Germany 2010: Research assistant at the University of Rostock, Institute of Computer Science 2008-2013: PhD student at the Leibniz Institute for Farm Animal Biology (FBN) Dummerstorf, Institute of Genetics and Biometry, Germany Awards / Grants 09/2017: successful application for additional funding (one year) of the junior research group “Phenotyping of Animal Welfare” by the BMBF (Grant No. 0315536G) 10/2016 – 10/2017: Mentee in the Mentoring program for highly qualified female post-doctorate researcher financed by the Leibniz Association 01/2016 – 04/2016: Research funding to initiate an international collaboration; project title: „Analysis of genomic inbreeding in dairy cattle using Next-Generation sequencing (NGS) data“ (funded by the DFG; Grant No.: ME 4746/1-1 and FBN) 2012: Travel Scholarship: European Federation of Animal Science (EAAP) Selected Publications 1) Foris, B.; Zebunke, M; Langbein, J; Melzer, N. (2018). Evaluating the temporal and situational consistency of personality traits in adult dairy cattle. PLoS ONE 13 (10): e0204619. 2) Foris, B.; Zebunke, M; Langbein, J.; Melzer, N. (2019a). Comprehensive analysis of affiliative and agonistic social networks in lactating dairy cattle groups. Appl Anim Behav Sci 210: 60-67. 3) Foris, B.; Thompson, A. J.; von Keyserlingk, M. A. G.; Melzer, N.; Weary, D. (2019b): Automatic detection of feeding- and drinking-related agonistic behavior and dominance in dairy cows. J Dairy Sci 102 (10): 9176-9186. ttps:// 4) Medisetti, S; Foris, B.; Triβl, Langbein, J; Melzer, N. (2016). Processing automatic tracking data to identify interactions between Holstein-Friesian cows. In Book of Abstracts of the 67th Annual Meeting of the EAAP. Belfast, United Kingdom. ISSN 1382-6077. 5) Foris, B; Langbein, J; Melzer, N. (2018). Patterns of affiliative and agonistic interactions in dairy cattle. In Book of Abstracts of the 69th Annual Meeting of the EAAP. Dubrovnik, Croatia. ISBN: 978-90-8686-323-5