Ion Dan Mironescu
University Lucian Blaga of Sibiu
Associate Profesor, PhD, Eng. Expertise and research in the field of Integrated systems, Parallel Architectures and Algorithms, High Performance Computing, Rheology. Double specialisation, in food and computer engineering, with PhD degrees in 1) Industrial Engineering: “Contributions to the modelling and simulation of food processes as hybrid systems using the DEVS formalism” ; 2) in Computers and Information Technology: “Integrated system for scientific applications’ quasi-optimal mapping on HPC parameterised architectures”. European projects: ”The FOF-Designer: Digital Design Skills for Factories of the Future (Digifof)” 2019-2021, Erasmus Knowledge Alliance; ”Knowledge triangle for food innovation by harnessing the tradition and assuring sustainability” KNOWinFOOD 2016-2019, Erasmus KA2; ”Strategic Platform for Ameliorating Tunisian Higher Education on Food Sciences and Technology” SPAAT4FOOD, 2017-2020, Erasmus Capacity building; ”NUTritional LABeling Study in Black Sea Region Countries” ERA-NET 2014-2016. National projects: PECAFROM - Promoting equal opportunities in the university and academic career for womens in Romania; Contemporary methods for control and characterisation of metabolytes produced by microorganisms; Monitoring of biotechnological processes for quality control in the food industry,; Food Safety Control by developing an integrated system of advanced modelling simulation and command of fermentative food bioprocesses; Decision support system at command and control processes for the enzymatic obtaining of glucose syrups; Learning virtual environment for sugar industry. 74 research papers.