Erhan Piskin
Nanobiyomedtek Biyomedikal ve biyoteknoloji san. Tic. Ltd. Şti.
Honorary Member of Turkish Academy of Sciences Emeritus Professor from Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey Visiting Professor at Mugla Sıtkı Kocman University, Resaerch Labs Center, Mugla, Turkey Manager/Owner of NanoBMT: Nanobiyomedtek Biyomedikal ve Biyoteknoloji San.Tic. Ltd.Şti., Cyberpark, Bilkent, Ankara, Turkey Phone (Mobile): +90 532 7079468 Email:; Prof. Erhan Pişkin was graduated from Ankara University, Chemical Engineering Department in 1970, and joined Hacettepe University, Chemical Engineering Department. He completed his PhD in January 1976 at Hacettepe University, became and Associated Professor in 1981 and then a Full Professor in 1988. He is the founder of “Bioengineering Graduate Program” as a Division at Institute of Science, Hacettepe University. He is the founder and now director of NanoBMT: Nanobiyomedtek Biyomedikal ve Biyoteknoloji San.Tic. Ltd.Sti - a SME devoted to only R&D activities, since 2014. He was a Member of “Science Board” of Turkish Scientific and Technological Council for about 9 years (2000-2009). His awards include TÜBİTAK-Junior Scientist Award (1981); C.P. Sharma International Award in Biomedical Engineering (1997); Hacettepe University-Science Award (1999); and TÜBİTAK-Science Award (2000). He has about 362 scientific papers in internationally cited journals + about 20 chapters in books + more than 250 presentations in international and national meetings + editor/author of 10 Books (6 in English and 4 in Turkish). His citations are close to 6000 with an HI index of a 41. He has supervised more than 50 PhD and 100 MSc theses in the last 30 years. He has organized about 20 International and Several National meetings in Turkey. His main research interests are: polymers: synthesis and use in diverse fields, mostly as biomaterials (biodegradable) and Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine (recently with stem cells); gene transfer with nonviral polymeric vectors; Nanoparticles and structures for biosensors EIS, SEFS, SERS, MALDI-TOF, etc. and array technologies recently for detection of pathogenic bacteria using bacteriophages; bioaffinity separation, diagnostic test kits and drug delivery based on polymeric carriers.