Wageningen Livestock Research
Wageningen Livestock Research
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Dr.Ir. Wijbrand Ouweltjes, Wageningen Livestock Research
Graduated from Wageningen University in 1988 as animal scientist with majors in animal breeding and farm economics and a minor in animal nutrition. After military service I worked as scientific researcher for the Royal Dutch Cattle Syndicate (NRS, now merged into CRV). From 1993 onwards I work for Wageningen Livestock Research and its precursors as scientific researcher in the area of cattle management, health and welfare. Amongst other work, I have participated in several EU-funded projects related to welfare impacts of transport of farm animals and currently participate in the projects Freewalk and Gentore. In 2018 I completed my PhD-thesis entitled “Effects of mechanical loads on the deformation and health status of claws in dairy cows”.