Lara Maistrello
Department of Life Sciences
University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
Contact by mailLARA MAISTRELLO (CV updated 06/07/2020) Researcher unique identifier: ORCID 0000-0002-2996-8993 Current position: Associate Professor in General and Applied Entomology (as of 1/10/2019) qualified as Full professor. Since she was hired (2002), she is/has always been the sole representative for this SDS at the Un. of Modena and Reggio Emilia (UNIMORE) PROFILE IN BRIEF Lara Maistrello is Associate Professor in General and Applied Entomology with qualification as Full Professor at the Department of Life Sciences and Interdepartmental Center BIOGEST-SITEIA of UNIMORE, where she is the only teacher of the Entomology courses. Graduated with honors in Biological Sciences (University of Parma, 1992), holds a PhD in Animal Biology (University of Bologna, 1996). Post-Doctoral Researcher promoted to Research Assistant Professor at LSU (Louisiana State University), Dept. Entomology (Baton Rouge, Louisiana) (1999-2002). Hired by UNIMORE as a researcher since 2002, promoted to Associate Professor in 2019. Prof. Maistrello is responsible for the Applied Entomology Laboratory and her scientific research is focused on sustainability in the agri-food sector both in terms of environmentally friendly management of pests and safeguarding of useful species and of the use of insects as resources in a circular economy perspective. Coordinator and scientific manager of research projects on biology and sustainable management of invasive alien insects, in particular the brown marmorated stink bug Halyomorpha halys, and of projects focused on the use of the black soldier fly Hermetia illucens for the valorization of organic waste/byproducts obtaining compounds useful in agriculture and in the feed/food industry. Appointed member of the “National scientific-technical coordination table for the brown marmorated stink bug” by the Italian Ministry of Agriculture Food and Forestry since November 2019. She has obtained important assignments of scientific-technical consultancy, also at an international level, on issues related to pests of foodstuffs, wood and other goods. She carries out intense scientific and technical dissemination and dissemination activities in Italy and abroad on the results of the research carried out and on topical issues relating to insects EDUCATION AND QUALIFICATIONS 1992-Laurea (BSc/Msc Equivalent) with honours (110 e lode) in Biological Sciences, Un. Parma 1994-State Professional Exam for Biologists 1996-PhD in Animal Biology, Un. Bologna 2002-Specialization course on Sustainable Development and Management of Agricultural and Environmental Systems, Un. Bologna 2008-International Short Course in Agroecology, IPM and Sustainable Agriculture, Michigan State Un. (MI, USA) 2014-Qualification as Associate Professor, obtained by MIUR 2017-Qualification as Full Professor, obtained MIUR SCIENTIFIC PRODUCTION: 111 articles, 64 of which on ISI journals; 9 book chapters (2 in Scopus); 124 full papers/abstracts in conference proceedings (78 international, 46 national), H-index= 18, N citations= 913 (Scopus). Co-inventor in 2 patents; 1 patent pending. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCES 1997-99 Post-doctoral Researcher, Dept. of Biology, Un. Ferrara. Research on IGRs effects on termite development /behaviour. 1999-2001 Post-doctoral Researcher, Dept. Entomology, Louisiana State Un. - Agricultural Center (Baton Rouge, LA, USA). Research on botanicals efficacy on Coptotermes formosanus. 2001-02 Research Assistant Professor, Dept. Entomology, LSU – AgCenter. Research on evaluation of botanicals in urban pest control strategies. 2002-03 Holder of a “Spinner” fellowship at UNIMORE, technology transfer project on evaluation of botanicals on phytophagous insects 2002- 2019: permanent position as Researcher in General and Applied Entomology, UNIMORE, Dept. Life Sciences 2009, 2011 Appointed by AKTC (Aga Khan Trust for Culture) as a scientific-technical specialist consultant on xylophagous insects in the restoration projects of: Djingarey Ber Mosque, Timbuktu (Mali, Africa), report delivered to the Ministry of Culture of Mali; historical buildings in Damascus (Siria) 1/10/2019: permanent position as Associate Professor in General and Applied Entomology, UNIMORE, Dept. Life Sciences, centre BIOGEST-SITEIA 18/11/2019: Appointed member of the “National scientific-technical coordination table for the brown marmorated stink bug” by the Italian Ministry of Agriculture Food and Forestry RESEARCH INTERESTS •Biology and sustainable management of invasive alien insects: -Halyomorpha halys: first to discover its occurrence in Italy, she tracked its spread in the country and obtained the actual distribution map also by means of a crowdsourcing survey, and the genetic characterization of invading populations. Performed life table/overwintering biology studies, laboratory and field trials for evaluation of native antagonists potential for biocontrol; behavioural studies on physical-chemical attractants/repellents and vibrational communication for the implementation of multimodal trapping devices, studies on sustainable management strategies based on behavioural manipulation. She published 37 contributions on H. halys, among which 16 articles on ISI Journals, 20 articles on non-ISI journals and 1 book chapter. -Drosophila suzukii: field monitoring/trap improvement and evaluations (2014-2016). -Dryocosmus kuriphilus: mass rearing of the parasitoid Torymus sinensis, contributed to 46% of all field releases in the biological control program of Emilia Romagna region (2011-15). •Valorization of organic substrates using insects, in a circular economy viewpoint: use of the black soldier fly Hermetia illucens for the valorization of byproducts and waste of the agro-food chains to obtain compounds useful in agriculture and in the feed/food industry. •Integrated pest management strategies (botanicals, entomopathogens, physical methods) in agroecosystems (insects/nematodes in vineyards/horticultural crops) and urban environments (stored products, wood pests). •Xylophagous insects in vineyards (termites, wood-boring beetles): survey on damage and interactions with wood pathogens. •Honeybee colonies wellness: role of pathogens/viruses, importance of amino-acids, use of natural compounds against Nosema spp. FUNDED COMPETITIVE PROJECTS Scientific coordinator/Scientific responsible of the following projects: 2019-2021 “FLIES4VALUE”: Insects for the bioconversion of agri-food by-products in feed and high added value products. Funded by the Region of Emilia Romagna in the POR-FESR 2014-2020, AXIS 1 Research and Innovation. 2017-2019 “BIOECO-FLIES”: Valorization of by-products of vegetable supply chains through insects: new solutions for food, agronomic and energy uses. Funded by the Region of Emilia Romagna in the PSR 2014-2020, Op. 01/16/01 - Agri-GO PEI - FA 5C, under the coordination of CRPV. 2016-2018 “VALORIBIO”: Valorization of organic waste by means of insects to obtain biomaterials for agricultural uses. Funded by the Region of Emilia Romagna in the POR-FESR 2014-2020, AXIS 1 Research and Innovation. 2016-2019 “HALYS”: Monitoring techniques and innovative strategies for the control of Halyomorpha halys (brown marmorated stink bug). Funded by the Emilia Romagna under the PSR 2014-2020 Op. 01/16/01 - Agri-GO PEI - FA 4B, under the coordination of CRPV. 2014-16 Innovative tools and protocols for monitoring and sustainable control of the alien stink bug Halyomorpha halys, a new phytosanitary threat, and of other harmful heteropterans for the fruit crops of the territory of Modena. Funded by Fond. Cassa di Risparmio di Modena. 2014-16 Improvement of traps as monitoring tools and evaluation of innovative strategies for the control of Drosophila suzukii, a new pest of small fruits. Funded by Fond. Cassa di Risparmio di Vignola 2006-2008 Evaluation of repellents for insect resistant packaging. Funded by Fondazione Manodori, Reggio Emilia Participant to the following projects: 2018-2022 “SCALIBUR”: Horizon 2020 Call: H2020-SFS-2018-2020, Topic: CE-SFS-25-2018; Type of action: IA on a WP related to the use of insects as bioconverters of organic substrates for the production of proteins. WP leader A. Antonelli; Coordinator C. Aliaga (ITENE, Spain). 2015-2017 “Study for the valorization of organic waste using insects for the obtainment of bioplastics”: FAR UNIMORE Interdisciplinary project, coordinated by A. Antonelli OTHER FUNDED PROJECTS 2019 Contract with Consorzio Fitosanitario di Modena to perform research on "Investigation on the trend of natural populations of Halyomorpha halys natural antagonists and verification in the field on the effectiveness of inundative releases of Anastatus bifasciatus in Emilia for the control of the same invasive pest" 2018 Contract with Consorzio Fitosanitario di Modena to perform research on “Evaluation for augmentative biocontrol of Halyomorpha halys using the native egg-parasitoid species Anastatus bifasciatus: laboratory mass rearing and field release” 2013-16 Five projects on IPM in cereal storage facilities and insect resistant packaging, funded by Barilla Spa 2011-15 Biological control of the chinese chestnut wasp Dryocosmus kuriphilus in Emilia Romagna: mass rearing system management for the field release of the parasitoid Torymus sinensis. Funded by Plant Protection Services of Modena e Reggio Emilia 2012-14 NANOSOLWOOD: innovative wood treatments against biotic deterioration. Funded by Renner Spa 2006-2011 Evaluation of botanicals for control of nematode and insect pests in horticultural crops. Two projects funded by Agrostar srl ACADEMIC AND SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY •Member of the councils of: Dept. of Life Sciences; PhD School in Agri-Food Sciences, Technologies & Bio-Technologies (STEBA); member of the scientific committee of Inter-Department Centre BIOGEST-SITEIA •Promoter of agreements for academic/cultural/scientific-technological collaboration between UNIMORE and: Un. Seville (Spain); Un. Huddersfield (UK) •Member of PhD exams Committee (Un. Seville: 2007, 2018; Un. Bologna: 2009, Un. Florence: 2018) •Expert evaluator for: MIUR (PRIN projects), Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Science and Technology Branch, NKFIH (Hungary), Registered to REPRISE •Peer-reviewer for: African Journal of Agricultural Research, Agricultural and Forest Entomology, Apidologie, Behavioural Processes, Biocontrol, Biological Control, Biosystems, British Microbiology Research Journal, Bulletin of Insectology, Crop Protection, Crop Science, Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata, European Journal of Entomology, Frontiers Ecology And Evolution, Helminthologia, Insect Science, Insects, International Journal of Insect Science, International Journal of Pest Management, International Journal of Tropical Insect Science, Journal of Insect Behaviour, Journal of Insect Conservation, Journal of Invertebrate Pathology, Journal of Plant Protection Research, Journal of Pest Science, Journal of Insect Physiology, Pakistan Journal of Zoology, Peer J., Pest Management Science, Plant Protection Science, Phytoparasitica, PLOS One, Research in Veterinary Science, Vie et Milieu, Zoomorphology •Member of the editorial board of International Journal of Insect Science ACADEMIC TEACHING/TUTORING ACTIVITY •At UNIMORE she is/has always been the only holder of all courses related to general/applied entomology, including Plant Protection from Insect Pests. Presently teaches: Entomology (module of the course Entomology and Plant Pathology); •Lecturer for STEBA PhD School, topic: Management of Invasive Alien Species (every year since 2014) •Lecturer for Biology PhD School of the University of Seville (Spain), topic: “The invasive Halyomorpha halys, an emerging threat for agricultural crops in Europe. An overview on its biology, ecology, spread patterns, and innovative IPM approaches” (18/11/17) •Sustainable control of insects in agro-ecosystems (6 hours, in Spanish) at Univ. Seville, Erasmus Teaching Mobility Program, 2009 •Tutor of the research activity of 9 PhD students (one of which in progress); supervisor of the abroad experience for a PhD Student from Un. Cluj-Napoca (Romania); tutor of the Master's thesis of a student from IAMB (Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari); supervisor of 50 undergrad./17 graduate students’ thesis ORGANIZATION OF SCIENTIFIC EVENTS •Organizer/lecturer: “Halyomorpha halys: from threat to concrete problem. A very difficult 2015 and an uncertain future”. Modena, 6/2/2016 •Organizer/lecturer: “Workshop: recent research trends on H. halys”, Reggio Emilia, UNIMORE, 5/2/2016 • Scientific-organizing committee “XV CONVEGNO NAZIONALE A.I.S.A.S.P”, Reggio Emilia, 18-19/9/2014 •Organizer/lecturer: "Theoretical-Practical Course of Forensic Entomology”, 2nd-4th editions, run by GIEF. Reggio Emilia, 27-29/1/2011; 18-21/9/2013 •Organizing committee of "5th EURO-IUSSI". Montecatini Terme (PT), 26-30/8/2012 •Organizing committee of "Evolution in Communication and Neural Processing" Modena, 18-19/11/2010 •Scientific Committee of the exhibition "Darwin: Modena and 200 years of evolution," where she was also lecturer and curator of panels related to eusociality and coevolution. Modena, 14/9/2009–24/1/2010 MEMBERSHIPS •S.E.I. (Italian Entomological Society) since 2002 • U.Z.I. (Italian Zoological Society) since 2017 •A.I.S.A.S.P. (Italian session of IUSSI: International Union for the Study of Social Insects) since 1992. Secretary during 2010-14, managing board member 2016-2018. •G.I.E.F. (Italian Group of Forensic Entomology) since 2010 •G.M.S.N.(Gruppo Modenese di Scienze Naturali), managing board member since 2013 •E.S.A. (Entomological Society of America) 1999-2002 •I.S.C.E. (International Society of Chemical Ecology) 2000-2002 KNOWN LANGUAGES Italian: mother tongue; English: excellent (written/spoken); Spanish: fluent (written/spoken) Reggio Emilia, 28/02/2020 LARA MAISTRELLO PUBLICATIONS ON HALYOMORPHA HALYS Articles published in ISI Journals 1. Ibrahim A., Giovannini I., Anfora G., Rossi Stacconi M.V, Malek R., Maistrello L., Guidetti R. Romani R. 2019. A closer look at the antennae of the invasive Halyomorpha halys: fine structure of the sensilla. BULLETTIN OF INSECTOLOGY, 72 (2): 187-199. 2. Stahl J.M., Babendreier D., Marazzi C., Caruso S., Costi E., L. Maistrello, Haye T. 2019. Can Anastatus bifasciatus be used for augmentative biological control of the brown marmorated stink bug in fruit orchards? INSECTS, 10 (4): 108; doi: 10.3390/insects10040108 3. Costi E., Haye T., Maistrello L. 2018. Surveying native egg parasitoids and predators of the invasive Halyomorpha halys in Northern Italy. JOURNAL OF APPLIED ENTOMOLOGY, 143 (3): 299-307, doi: 10.1111/jen.12590 4. Maistrello L., Dioli P., Dutto M., Volani S., Pasquali S., Gilioli G. (2018) Tracking the Spread of Sneaking Aliens by Integrating Crowdsourcing and Spatial Modeling: The Italian Invasion of Halyomorpha halys. BIOSCIENCE. 68 (12): 979–989. doi: 10.1093/biosci/biy112 5. Morrison III W.R., Milonas P., Kapantaidaki D.E., Cesari M., Di Bella E., Guidetti R., Haye T., Maistrello L., Moraglio S.T., Piemontese L., Pozzebon A., Ruocco G., Short B.D., Tavella L., Vétek G., Leskey T.C. 2017. Attraction of Halyomorpha halys (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) haplotypes in North America and Europe to baited traps. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 7, 16941, doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-17233-0 6. Cesari M., Maistrello L., Piemontese L., Bonini R., Dioli P., Lee W., Park C-G, Partsinevelos G.K., Rebecchi L., Guidetti R. 2018. Genetic diversity of the brown marmorated stink bug Halyomorpha halys in the invaded territories Europe and its patterns of diffusion in Italy. BIOLOGICAL INVASIONS, 20: 1073–1092. doi: 10.1007/s10530-017-1611-1 7. Costi E., Haye T., Maistrello L. 2017. Biological parameters of the invasive brown marmorated stink bug, Halyomorpha halys, in southern Europe. JOURNAL OF PEST SCIENCE, 90: 1059-1067. doi: 10.1007/s10340-017-0899-z 8. Maistrello L., Vaccari G., Caruso S., Costi E., Bortolini S., Macavei L., Foca G., Ulrici A., Bortolotti P.P., Nannini R., Casoli L., Fornaciari M., Mazzoli G.L., Dioli P. 2017. Monitoring of the invasive Halyomorpha halys, a new key pest of fruit orchards in northern Italy. JOURNAL OF PEST SCIENCE 90: 1231-1244. doi:10.1007/s10340-017-0896-2 9. Castracani, C., Bulgarini, G., Giannetti, D., Spotti F.A., Maistrello L., Mori A., Grasso D.A. 2017. Predatory ability of the ant Crematogaster scutellaris on the brown marmorated stink bug Halyomorpha halys. JOURNAL OF PEST SCIENCE, 90: 1181-1190. doi:10.1007/s10340-017-0889-1 10. Abram P.K., Hoelmer K.A., Acebes-Doria A., Andrews H., Beers E.H., Bergh J.C., Bessin R., Biddinger D., Botch P., Buffington M.L., Cornelius M.L., Costi E., Delfosse E.S., Dieckhoff C., Dobson R., Donais Z., Grieshop M., Hamilton G., Haye T., Hedstrom C., Herlihy M.V., Hoddle M.S., Hooks C.R.R., Jentsch P., Joshi N.K., Kuhar T.P., Lara J., Lee J.C., Legrand A., Leskey T.C., Lowenstein D., Maistrello L., Mathews C.R., Milne J.M., Morrison Iii W.R.,Nielsen A.L., Ogburn E.C., Pickett C.H., Poley K., Pote J., Radl J., Shrewsbury P.M., Talamas E., Tavella L., Walgenbach J.F., Waterworth R., Weber D.C., Welty C., Wiman N.G. 2017. Indigenous arthropod natural enemies of the invasive brown marmorated stink bug in North America and Europe. JOURNAL OF PEST SCIENCE. 90: 1009-1020. doi:10.1007/s10340-017-0891-7 11. Mazzoni V., Polajnar J., Baldini M., Stacconi M.V.R., Anfora G., Guidetti R., Maistrello L. 2017. Use of substrate-borne vibrational signals to attract the Brown Marmorated Stink Bug, Halyomorpha halys. JOURNAL OF PEST SCIENCE, 90: 1219-1229. 1-11 DOI: 10.1007/s10340-017-0862-z 12. Rondoni G., Bertoldi V., Malek R., Foti M.C., Peri E., Maistrello L., Haye T., Conti E. 2017. Native egg parasitoids recorded from invasive Halyomorpha halys exploit volatiles emitted by the plant–herbivore complex. JOURNAL OF PEST SCIENCE, 90: 1087-1095. doi:10.1007/s10340-017-0861-0 13. Roversi P. F., Binazzi F., Marianelli L., Costi E., Maistrello L., Sabbatini Peverieri G. 2016. Searching for native egg-parasitoids of the invasive alien species Halyomorpha halys Stål (Heteroptera, Pentatomidae) in southern Europe. REDIA, XCIX: 63-70. ISSN: 0370-4327, doi: 10.19263/REDIA-99.16.01 14. Maistrello L., Dioli P., Bariselli M., Mazzoli L., Giacalone-Forini I. 2016. Citizen science and early detection of invasive species: phenology of first occurrences of Halyomorpha halys in Southern Europe. BIOLOGICAL INVASIONS, 18(11):3109-3116. doi: 10.1007/s10530-016-1217-z 15. Polajnar J., Maistrello L., Bertarella A., Mazzoni V. 2016. Vibrational communication of the brown marmorated stink bug (Halyomorpha halys). PHYSIOLOGICAL ENTOMOLOGY, 41:249-59. doi: 10.1111/phen.12150 16. Cesari M, Maistrello L, Dioli P, Rebecchi L., Ganzerli F., Guidetti R. 2015. A pest alien invasion in progress: genetic diversity of the brown marmorated stink bug Halyomorpha halys (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) in Italy. JOURNAL OF PEST SCIENCE. 88: 1-7. doi 10.1007/s10340-014-0634-y Articles published in NON-ISI Journals 1. Tommasini M.G., Maistrello L., Vaccari G., Nannini R., Bortolotti P., Caruso S., Casoli L., Vergnani S., Preti M., Montanari M., Landi M., Simoni M., Costi E., Di Bella E., Bulgarini G., Masino F., Antonelli A. 2019. Approccio multidisciplinare per contenere la cimice asiatica. L’INFORMATORE AGRARIO 13: 38-43. 2. Cavalieri V., Mazzoni V., Maistrello L. 2018. Ritrovata cimice asiatica a Bari, le colture più a rischio. L’INFORMATORE AGRARIO 39: 61. ISSN: 0020-0689 3. Maistrello L., Vaccari G., Caruso S., Costi E., Bortolini S., Macavei L., Foca G., Ulrici A., Bortolotti P.P., Nannini R., Casoli L., Fornaciari M., Mazzoli G.L., Dioli P. 2018. L’invasiva Halyomorpha halys è fitofago chiave dei frutteti: risultati del monitoraggio triennale in Emilia. Giornate Fitopatologiche. Chianciano Terme (SI), 6-9 Marzo 2018. In: A. Brunelli, M. Collina (Coord.), ATTI DELLE GIORNATE FITOPATOLOGICHE 2018 EXTENDED ABSTRACTS. BOLOGNA: CLUEB srl (ITALY). Vol 1, pp. 273-284. ISBN PDF 978-88-491-5573-0 4. Caruso S., Vaccari G., Zanetti G., Maistrello L. 2018. Gestione del perimetro del frutteto per il controllo integrato di Halyomorpha halys. Giornate Fitopatologiche. Chianciano Terme (SI), 6-9 Marzo 2018. In: A. Brunelli, M. Collina (Coord.), ATTI DELLE GIORNATE FITOPATOLOGICHE 2018 EXTENDED ABSTRACTS. BOLOGNA: CLUEB srl (ITALY). Vol 1, pp. 311-320. ISBN PDF 978-88-491-5573-0 5. Vaccari G., Pozzebon A., Caruso S., Maistrello L. 2018. Confronto trappole per il monitoraggio di Halyomorpha halys in pereti della provincia di Modena. Chianciano Terme (SI), 6-9 Marzo 2018. In: A. Brunelli, M. Collina (Coord.), ATTI DELLE GIORNATE FITOPATOLOGICHE 2018 EXTENDED ABSTRACTS. BOLOGNA: CLUEB srl (ITALY). Vol 1, pp. 341-348. ISBN PDF 978-88-491-5573-0 6. Maistrello L., Costi E., Bortolini S., Macavei L., Foca G., Ulrici A., Vaccari G., Caruso S., Bortolotti P.P., Nannini R., Fornaciari M., Casoli L., Mazzoli G.L., Dioli P. 2018. Cimice Asiatica: fitofago chiave in Pianura Padana. L’INFORMATORE AGRARIO 2: 56-61. ISSN: 0020-0689 7. Tommasini M.G., Maistrello L., Vaccari G., Nannini R., Bortolotti P., Caruso S., Vergnani S., Preti M., Casoli L., Simoni M., Masino F., Antonelli A. 2017. Cimice asiatica su pero: monitoraggio e difesa. L’Informatore Agrario 42: 34-42. 8. Caruso S., Vaccari G., Vergnani S., Raguzzoni F., Maistrello L. 2017. Nuove opportunità di impiego delle reti multifunzionali - L'Informatore Agrario 15: 57-60. ISSN: 0020-0689 9. Dioli P., Leo P., Maistrello L. 2016. Prime segnalazioni in Spagna e in Sardegna della specie aliena Halyomorpha halys (Stål, 1855) e note sulla sua distribuzione in Europa (Hemiptera, Pentatomidae). Revista Gaditana de Entomología 7 (1): 539-548. ISSN 2172-2595 10. Piemontese L., Cesari M., Ganzerli F., Maistrello L., Dioli P., Rebecchi L., Guidetti R. 2016. Specie aliene invasive: il caso della cimice bruna marmorizzata Halyomorpha halys (Heteroptera, Pentatomidae) in Italia e nel territorio modenese. Atti Soc. Nat. Mat. Modena 147: 279-285. ISSN 0365 - 7027 11. Bariselli M., Bugiani R., Maistrello L. 2016. Distribution and damage caused by Halyomorpha halys in Italy. Bulletin OEPP-EPPO Bulletin 46(2): 332-334. doi:10.1111/epp.12289 12. Ricucci M., Maistrello L. 2016. Contributo dei pipistrelli al controllo della cimice asiatica. L’Informatore Agrario 29:52-54. 13. Maistrello L., Costi E., Caruso S., Vaccari G., Bortolotti P., Nannini R., Casoli L., Montermini A., Bariselli M., Guidetti R. 2016. Halyomorpha halys in Italy: first results of field monitoring in fruit orchards. Integrated Protection of Fruit Crops. Subgroups “Pome fruit arthropods” and “Stone fruits”. IOBC-WPRS Bulletin 112: 1-5 14. Maistrello L., Vaccari G., Bortolini S., Costi E., Guidetti R., Bortolotti P., Caruso S., Nannini R., Montermini A., Casoli L. (2016) Monitoraggio in campo e danni della cimice aliena Halyomorpha halys in Emilia Romagna: da minaccia a problema concreto. Giornate Fitopatologiche. Chianciano Terme (SI). In: A. Brunelli, M. Collina (Coord.), Atti delle Giornate Fitopatologiche 2016 (Extended Abstracts). BOLOGNA: CLUEB srl (ITALY). Atti delle Giornate Fitopatologiche 2016, Vol 1, pp. 171-178. ISBN PDF 978-88-941-5499-3 15. Maistrello L., Costi E. 2016. La cimice “diabolica”, minaccia per l’agricoltura. Ecoscienza. 1: 52-53 16. Macavei L.I, Bǎețan R., Oltean I, Florian T., Varga M., Costi E.; Maistrello L., (2015) First detection of Halyomorpha halys, a new invasive species with a high potential of damage on agricultural crops in Romania. Lucrari Stiintifice Seria Agronomie, 58 (1): 105-108. ISSN: 1454-7414 17. Di Domenico D., Bariselli M., Maistrello L. 2015. Caccia alle “cimici” aliene: il ruolo del disinfestatore. Igiene Alimenti. 6: 46-47. 18. Bortolotti P., Caruso S., Nannini R., Vaccari G., Casoli L., Bariselli M., Bortolini S., Costi E., Guidetti R., Maistrello L. 2015. Preoccupano le infestazioni della cimice asiatica. L’Informatore Agrario, 71 (43): 52-56. 19. Bortolotti P., Caruso S., Nannini R., Vaccari G., Casoli L., Bariselli M. Costi E., Guidetti R., Maistrello L. 2015. Halyomorpha halys in Emilia, prime risposte dal monitoraggio. L’Informatore Agrario, 71(21): 46-48. 20. Maistrello L., Dioli P., Vaccari G., Nannini R., Bortolotti P., Caruso S., Costi E., Montermini A., Casoli L., Bariselli M. 2014. Primi rinvenimenti in Italia della cimice esotica Halyomorpha halys, una nuova minaccia per la frutticoltura. Giornate Fitopatologiche. Chianciano Terme (SI), 18-21 March 2014. In: A. Brunelli, M. Collina (Coord.), Atti delle Giornate Fitopatologiche (Extended Abstracts). BOLOGNA: CLUEB (ITALY). Vol. 1, pp. 283-288. ISBN: 9788849138740 Articles published in Books 1. Polajnar J., Maistrello L., Ibrahim A., Mazzoni V. 2018. Can vibrational playback improve control of an invasive stink bug? In: Hill P., Lakes-Harlan R., Mazzoni V., Narins P., Virant-Doberlet M., Wessel A. (eds). Biotremology: Studying Vibrational Behavior. Animal Signals and Communication, vol 6. Springer, Cham. pp 375-398. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-22293-2_19