Bent Egberg Mikkelsen
Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management
Faculty of Life Sciences
University of Copenhagen
Mikkelsen, BE. Man or machine? Will the digital transition be able to automatize dietary intake data collection? Public Health Nutrition. 2019
Mikkelsen, BE; Toft, U; Bloch, P; Reinbach, H; Winkler, LL; Buch-Andersen, T; , Jensen, BB & Glümer, C; Aagaard-Hansen, J; Project SoL – a community-based, multi-component health promotion intervention to improve healthy eating and physical activity pra
Ofei, K. T., Scheller, R & Mikkelsen, BE. Validation of a novel image-weighed technique for monitoring food intake and estimation of portion size in hospital settings: A pilot study". eVersion ahead of print, Public Health Nutrition. 2018
Mikkelsen; BE. WPL and Phase leader in EU H2020 Richfields study
Bogaardt, M.-J; Geelen A; Zimmermann, K; Finglas, P; Raats, MM; Mikkelsen, BE; Poppe, KJ & van’t Veer, P (2018): Designing a research infrastructure on dietary intake and its determinants, Nutrition Bulletin, 43, 301 –309
SUMMARY Holds a MSc of Food Science from the Royal Agricultural University, Copenhagen and a PhD in Social Science, from Roskilde University. Research area is within the area of public health nutrition and sustainable public food systems. Recent project portfolio includes more than 15 major projects and fundraising portfolio over the past 5 years and has a value of 20 mill DKK. Principal Investigator and fundraiser in a number of recent R&D projects including SoL project (, FoodServInSPIRe (, FRIDA (, Food4Growth (, Ekologika (, and Foodtura ( Technical/scientific key competencies: digital foodscape studies, food systems transformation, sustainable food eco systems, health promotion, interventions studies and captive foodscape studies as well as school food scape studies. Administrative skills include 15 years of research coordination. Strong expertise in linking different competences and working with interdisciplinarity in the borderline between food and the digital. Extensive knowledge and teaching experience in project management and international team management. Strong in qualitative methods, visual assisted methods, food composition databases, IT assisted food behavior technologies. Long record of working in the government domain of food risk assessment and risk management in the nutrition area as well as a long record of working in the “evidence informs policy” area in a national, Nordic and European context. Strong international network in both science and policy making in health promotion and public health nutrition. High level of outreach to popular media including more than 250 registered press events from 2009 and onwards.