Viviana Scognamiglio
Institute of Crystallography
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
Degree in Biology, PhD in Biotechnology at the University of Naples "Federico II", Italy 2011 - on going: permanent position as III level researcher at Institute of Crystallography, National Research Council of Rome. Skills The researcher has experience in biochemistry and biophysics for purification and characterisation of proteins by Fluorescence Spectroscopy and Circular Dichroism, in the development of electro-optical biosensors for the detection of analytes with environmental, agrifood and biomedical interest. The researcher shows skills in screening, characterisation and immobilisation of bioreceptors, fluorescence labeling, biosensor prototype validation, tests on real samples. Projects 2019-2020. INTERREG Ita-Hr Axis 3 OS 3.3 “Managed use of treated urban wastewater for the Quality of the Adriatic Sea (AdSWiM)”. Responsible of the Italian Unit. 2018-2019. Bilateral project CNR/CNRST (Italy-Morocco) “Photosynthetic algae and cost-effective carbon black nanomaterial in a joint combination to develop miniaturised electrochemical sensor for a sustainable monitoring of herbicide in surface water (AlgaeCB)”. Responsible of the Italian Unit. 2017-2020. ERANETMED RQ3-2016 Climate/demographic change and Environment “Integrated nanotechnologies for sustainable sensing water and sanitation” (NanoSWS)”. Responsible of the Italian Unit. 2017-2019. POR FESR 2014-2020 LIFE 2020 “Health Age, Rapid detection of cardiovascular emergencies (HA-R2EC)”. Responsible of the Italian Unit. Publications Cecilia B., Antonacci A., Arduini F., Moscone D., Fraceto L., Campos E., Attaallah R., Amine A., Zanardi C., Cubillana L., Santander J.M.P., Scognamiglio* V., (2020) Green nanomaterials fostering agrifood sustainability. Trends in Analytical Chemistry, in press Arduini, F., Cinti, S., Mazzaracchio, V., Scognamiglio, V., Amine, A., & Moscone, D. (2020). Carbon black as an outstanding and affordable nanomaterial for electrochemical (bio) sensor design. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 112033. Arduini, F., Cinti, S., Mazzaracchio, V., Scognamiglio, V., Amine, A., Moscone, D. (2020). Carbon black as an outstanding and affordable nanomaterial for electrochemical (bio) sensor design. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 112033. Antonacci*, A., Scognamiglio* V. (2019) Biotechnological advances in the design of algae-based biosensors. Trends in Biotechnology (in press). Scognamiglio* V., Arduini F. (2019). The technology tree in the design of glucose biosensors. TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 115642. Castrovilli, M. C., Bolognesi, P., Chiarinelli, J., Avaldi, L., Calandra, P., Antonacci, A., Scognamiglio*, V. (2019). The convergence of forefront technologies in the design of laccase-based biosensors-an update. TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry. 119, 115615.