Maria Bouga
Agricultural University of Athens
M. Bouga received her PhD in Biology, specialized in Genetics on honeybees. Her research and teaching activities in different Universities in Greece and Cyprus cover aspects of Molecular Taxonomy, Genetics and Apiculture focused on genetics of honeybee, honeydew insects and Varroa destructor. She is involving in the conservation of native bee populations. She is the Senior Editor of Journal of Apicultural Research, International Bee Research Association (IBRA) a refereed scientific Journal. She is collaborating with the Laboratory of Agricultural Zoology & Entomology of Agricultural University of Athens in Greece where she is responsible for the Molecular Unit. She is member of the Executive Committee of the COLOSS honey bee research association (Prevention of honey bee Colony LOSSes) ( that is currently comprised of 1371 members from 95 countries and she coordinates the Apimondia (International Federation of Beekeepers Associations) WG7 “Queen rearing and impact on the genetic variability (and health) of productive bee colonies. She is author in about 40 publications in peer-reviewed journals and in more than 70 contributions to International, European, National Conferences, Workshops and technical reports. She has been involved in many projects, recently in the Biodiversity Group of SMARTBEES FP7 EU Project.