Simone van der Burg
Wageningen Economic Research
Stichting Wageningen Research
CV Name: Simone van der Burg Email: 1. Education 2007 PhD, Free University Amsterdam 1996 Diploma Postdoctoral School of Journalism, Erasmus University Rotterdam 1995 Masters philosophy, Free University Amsterdam 1993/1994 Graduate school Philosophy, University of Notre Dame (Indiana, USA) 1989/1990 Certificates (2), Langue, Littérature et Civilisation Francaise, Sorbonne (Parijs, Frankrijk) 1989 High school, VWO Diploma, Werkplaats Kindergemeenschap, Bilthoven 2. Work Academic 2018- now Senior scientist, project leader in digital ethics, Wageningen Economic Research, Wageningen University and Research, the Netherlands (tenure) 2010 - 2018 Assistant professor/projectleader, Responsible Research and Innovation, IQ healthcare, Radboud University Medical Centre Nijmegen (tenure) 2010 Postdoc researcher Ethics Institute, University Utrecht (6 months, fised-term) 2006 - 2010 Postdoc researcher, University of Twente (fixed term) 2006 - 2006 Assistant professor ethics of technology, Technical University Delft (fixed term) 2002 - 2006 Assistant professor ethics of technology, Eindhoven University of Technology (fixed term) 1999 - 2002 PhD research University of Humanist Studies (fixed term) Editorial 2013 - now Associate editor and co-founder of the Journal of Responsible Innovation (Publisher: Taylor & Francis) 2010 - 2018 Columnist (5 times a year), Radbode 2005 - 2010 Coordinating editor of Wijsgerig Perspectief (Publisher: Boom) 1998 - 2000 Editor of the educational television series Denken Doorzien (Teleac/NOT) about philosophy (broadcasted in the Netherlands, Sweden and the US) 1996 - 2000 Journalist/textwriter for Filosofie Magazine, De Humanist and de Filmkrant 3. Leadership and management 2020 AI Coalition Netherlands, leader of workgroup ethical and societal aspects of AI in agrifood 2019 - now Leader platform Responsible Research and Innovation, in WUR flagship projects on Digital Twins 2012 - now Projectleader of numerous (national and international) research projects 2012 - 2018 Theme leader responsible research and innovation in IQ healthcare (research centre with 150 researchers): purpose was to co-shape research policy of the research institute together with the other three theme leaders and the director 4. Membership of committees 2019 – now Expert member of ethics board Smart AgriHubs 2010 - now Member of the team Ethical and Social aspects of Genetically Modified Organisms of Cogem, an advisory organization of the Dutch government 2017 - 2018 Ethics expert member of multidisciplinary expertiseteam DSD (Disorders of Sex Development), Radboudumc, Nijmegen, the Netherlands 2016 - 2018 Member of committee of incidental findings, Genetics department, Radboudumc, Nijmegen 2016 - 2018 Member of MREC (Medical Research Ethics Committee), Radboudumc, Nijmegen 2013 - 2017 Member of the Ethics Review, European Committee (Brussels) 2016 - 2018 Member of the jury of the medical inspiration prize (ZonMW, Dutch public funding institution for medical research), which awards researchers who have involved patients in the development of their research purposes 2015 - 2018 Member of various committees of ZonMW (Dutch public funding institution for medical research) that is involved in the assessment of research proposals, such as Medische Producten Nieuw en Nodig (MPNN), and Translational Stemcell Research 5. Network Academic network 2019 Co-Founder and leader of DigiMetis network with Laurens Klerkx, unites social science and humanities researchers in WUR 2019 Member of Dariah, EU network of social scientists and ethicists working on digitization 2018 Member of 4TU ethics of technology,, a national expertise centre linking ethicists from the 4 technology research centres in the Netherlands 2013 - now Member of WTMC (Science, Technology, Society and Culture), a national research school in the Netherlands 2013 – now Member of the Virtual Institute of Responsible Innovation (chair: David Guston, Arizona State University), an international network of researchers and teachers in responsible innovation 2010 - now Member of the scientific board of Ethics and Politics of Emerging Technology (EPET), a national network of researchers interested in the theme of moral and political change generated by technological innovation 2012 - now Member of S.Net (Society for New and Emerging Technology) 2012 - 2017 Member of ESHG (European Society for Human Genetics) 2012 - 2017 Member of ASHG (American Society for Human Genetics) 2002-2010 Member of 3TU.Centre for Ethics and Technology 6. Research Nominations, prizes and fellowships 2018 – 2019 fellowship Ethical and Legal aspects of Digital Farming, Giffith lawschool, Griffith University, Australia 2015 Nomination VIVA-400 list (subdivision ‘smart heads’) 2014 L’Oréal-Unesco fellowship for women in science 2011 - April 2012 Visiting fellow, Biomedical Diagnostics Institute, Department of Science Communication, Dublin City University, Ireland 7. Publications Books and edited volumes 1. Burg, Simone van der and Tsjalling Swierstra (eds.) (2013). Ethics on the laboratory floor, Palgrave/MacMillan 2. Burg, Simone van der (2007). In kritisch gezelschap (In critical company), Free University, Amsterdam (dissertation, available via internet) 3. Burg, Simone van der (1999). Denken Doorzien I, Teleac/NOT, Hilversum (An introduction into philosophy) Articles In international peer reviewed journals: 1. Simone van der Burg, Leanne Wiseman, Jovana Krkeljas, Informed Consent and Trust in farm data sharing: reflections on the EU Code of Conduct for Agricultural Data Sharing (February 2020: accepted with revisions by Ethics and Information Technology) 2. Van der Burg, Simone, Marc-Jeroen Bogaardt, Sjaak Wolfert (2019), Ethics of smart farming: Current questions and directions for responsible innovation towards the future, NJAS – Wageningen Journal of Life Sciences 3. Van der Burg, Simone, Floris H. B. M. Schreuder, Catharina J. M. Klijn, Marcel M. Verbeek (2019), Valuing biomarker diagnostics for dementia care: enhancing the reflection of patients, their care-givers and members of the wider public, Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy, 4. Boenink, Marianne, Lieke van der Scheer, Elisa Garcia & Simone van der Burg (2018) Giving Voice to Patients: Developing a Discussion Method to Involve Patients in Translational Research Nanoethics, 12 (3): 181–197 5. Burg, Simone van der and Anke Oerlemans, (2018). Fostering caring relationships; Suggestions to rethink liberal perspectives on the ethics of newborn screening, Bioethics 32: 171-183 6. Vissers, Lisenka, Kirsten van Nimwegen, Jolanda Schieving, Erik-Jan Kamsteeg, Tjitske Kleefstra, Helger Ijntema, Rolf Pfundt, Gert Jan van der Wilt, Lotte Krabbenborg, Han Brunner, Simone van der Burg, Janneke Grutters, Joris Veltman, Michèl Willemsen (2017). A clinical utility study of exome sequencing versus conventional genetic testing in pediatric neurology, Genetics in Medicine, 19: 1055-1063 7. Biessen, Diane van der, Peer van der Helm, Dennis Klein, Simone van der Burg, Ron Mathijssen, Martijn Lolkema, Maja de Jonge, (2017) Understanding how Coping Strategies and Quality of Life maintain Hope in Patients deliberating Phase-I Trial Participation, Psycho-Oncology, DOI 10.1002/pon.4487 8. van der Burg, S. (2016). A Lay Ethics Quest for Technological Futures: About Tradition, Narrative and Decision-Making. Nanoethics, 10(3), 233-244. 9. Krabbenborg, L., Vissers, L. E. L. M., Schieving, J., Kleefstra, T., Kamsteeg, E. J., Veltman, J. A., ... & Van der Burg, S. (2016). Understanding the psychosocial effects of WES test results on parents of children with rare diseases. Journal of genetic counseling, 25(6), 1207-1214. 10. Krabbenborg, L., Schieving, J., Kleefstra, T., Vissers, L. E. L. M., Willemsen, M. A., Veltman, J. A., & van der Burg, S. (2016). Evaluating a counselling strategy for diagnostic WES in paediatric neurology: an exploration of parents' information and communication needs. Clinical genetics, 89(2), 244-250. 11. Oerlemans, A. J., Kluijtmans, L. A., & van der Burg, S. (2016). The Moral Life of Professionals in Newborn Screening in the Netherlands: A Qualitative Study. Public Health Ethics, 10(1), 19-34. 12. van Nimwegen, K. J. M., Schieving, J. H., Willemsen, M. A. A. P., Veltman, J. A., van der Burg, S., van der Wilt, G. J., & Grutters, J. P. C. (2015). The diagnostic pathway in complex paediatric neurology: A cost analysis. European Journal of Paediatric Neurology, 19(2), 233-239. 13. Ezugwu, Euzebus and Simone van der Burg (2015). Debating Elective Single Embryo Transfer after in vitro Fertilization: A Plea for a Context Sensitive Approach, Annals of Medical and Health Sciences Research, Vol. 5:1, 1-7 14. Scheer, Lieke van der, Elisa Garcia, Anna-Laura van der Laan, Simone van der Burg and Marianne Boenink, (2014). The Benefits of Patient Involvement for Translational Research, Health Care Analysis, 1-17 15. Guston, D. H., Fisher, E., Grunwald, A., Owen, R., Swierstra, T., van der Burg, S. (2014). Responsible Innovation: Motivations for a New Journal. Journal of Responsible Innovation, 1-9. 16. Burg, S. van der (2014). On the hermeneutic need for future anticipation. Journal of Responsible Innovation, 1-4. 17. Oerlemans, A.J.M., M.E.C. van Hoek, E. van Leeuwen, S. van der Burg, W.J.M. Dekkers (2013). Towards a richer debate on tissue engineering: A consideration on the basis of NEST-Ethics, Science and Engineering Ethics, 19(3), 963-981. 18. Burg, Simone van der (2012) Material Morality: towards a posthumanist ethics of technology, Metascience, DOI 10.1007/s1 11016-012-9685-y 19. Burg, Simone van der and Marcel Verweij (2012) Maintaining trust in newborn screening; compliance and informed consent in the Netherlands, Hastings Center Report, September-October, 1-7 20. Fisher, Erik, Marianne Boenink, Simone van der Burg, Neil Woodbury (2012), Responsible development of nanodiagnostics for theranostics medicine: Anticipatory governance of a volatile innovation trajectory, Expert Review of Molecular Diagnostics, November 2012, Vol. 12 (8), 857-870 21. Burg, Simone van der (2010). Shaping the societal impacts of engineering sciences; a reflection on the role of public funding agencies. Innovation. The European Journal of Social Science Research, Vol 23 (1), 25-36 22. Boenink, Marianne and Simone van der Burg (2010). Informed decision making about predictive DNA tests: arguments for more public visibility of personal deliberations about the good life, Medicine Health Care and Philosophy, Vol 13 (2), 127-142 23. Burg, Simone van der (2009). Looking at the soft impacts of technology, Social Epistemology; a journal of Knowledge, Culture and Policy, Volume 23 (3), 301-316 24. Burg, Simone van der (2009). Imagining the future of photoacoustic mammography, Science and Engineering Ethics, 15 (1), 97-111 25. Burg, Simone van der and Anke van Gorp (2005). Understanding moral responsibility in the design of trailers, Science and Engineering Ethics, 11(2), 235-256 26. Van der Burg, Simone and Van de Poel, Ibo (2005). Teaching ethics and technology with Agora, an electronic tool. Science and Engineering Ethics, 11(2), 277-297. Contributions to peer reviewed books: 1. Burg, Simone van der (2017), A biography of a disorder that didn’t want to be diagnosed. In: Vincent, Bernadette Bensaude, Sacha Loeve, and Alfred Nordmann, eds. Research objects in their technological setting. Taylor & Francis, 2017. 2. Burg, Simone van der (2014). Ethicists in the laboratory: reflecting about non-existent objects. In: Doorn, Neelke, Daan Schuurbiers, Ibo van de Poel, Michael E. Gorman (eds.) Early Engagement and New Technologies: opening up the laboratory, Springer, Dordrecht 3. Burg, Simone van der (2013). Co-shaping the life-story of a technology: from technological ancestry to visions of the future. In: Burg, Simone van der and Tsjalling Swierstra, Ethics on the Laboratory Floor, Palgrave/MacMillan, London 4. Burg, Simone van der (2013). Introduction; Enhancing ethical reflection in the laboratory: how soft impacts require tough thinking. In: Burg, Simone van der and Tsjalling Swierstra, Ethics on the Laboratory Floor, Palgrave/MacMillan, London 5. Burg, Simone van der (2013). Martha Nussbaum. In: Burg, Ineke van der, Annemie Halsema, Veronica Vasterling, Karen Vintges (ed.), 25 Eeuwen vrouwen in de filosofie, Uitgeverij Atlas 6. Burg, Simone van der (2011). Nieuwe technologische ontwikkelingen en gezondheidsbeleid. In: Mariëtte van den Hoven and Carla Kessler (eds), Preventie en publieke gezondheid, Boom, Amsterdam 7. Burg, Simone van der (2010). Ethical imagination: broadening laboratory deliberations. In: Roeser, Sabine (ed.), Emotions about risky technologies, Series ‘International Library of Ethics, Law and Technology’, Springer 8. Burg, Simone van der (2006). Een ethiek van kleine idealen. In: Walhalla: is er nog plek voor idealen? Uitgeverij International Theatre Film & Books, Het Zuidelijk Toneel, Amsterdam/Eindhoven, 209-225 9. Burg, Simone van der (2005). Emoties en kwetsbaarheid; een inleiding in the emotietheorie van Martha Nussbaum. In: Reijen, Miriam van, Emoties – van stoïcijnse apatheia tot heftige liefde, Klement/Pelckmans, 205-219 10. Burg, Simone van der (2005). Martha Nussbaum. In: Achterhuis, Hans, J. Sperna Weiland, S. Teppema, J. de Visscher (eds.), Denkers van Nu, Diemen: Veen Magazines B.V., 409-423 11. Van der Burg, Simone (2000). Schrijfdilemma’s. In: Crapels, O., & Karssing, E. (2000). Filosoof in de praktijk. Uitgeverij Van Gorcum. In national peer reviewed journals 1. Braspenning, Jozé, Jos Kole en Simone van der Burg (2017), Duidelijke informatie over kwaliteit huisartsenzorg; reflectie op een gesprek tussen huisartsen, verzekeraars en patiënten, Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde 161, 1-3 2. Burg, Simone van der (2014), Nieuwe technologie – nieuwe ethiek; over hoe technologie ons op nieuwe manieren verantwoordelijk maakt, Lijn 1, jaargang 12(3), 8-9 3. Olsthoorn, E. T. M., Verweij, M. F., & van der Burg, S. (2012). Dragerschap als nevenbevinding van de hielprikscreening: informeren of negeren? Tijdschrift voor Gezondheidsrecht, 36(3), 218-225. 4. Burg, Simone van der (2012), Patiëntgerichte medische technologie; dialoog als methode om ethische reflectie te stimuleren tijdens de translationele onderzoeksfase, Tijdschrift voor Gezondheidszorg en Ethiek, 22(1), 12-16 5. Burg, Simone van der (2011). Ons kind blaakt van gezondheid!, Wijsgerig Perspectief, 51 (1), 24-31 6. Burg, Simone van der (2009). Het publieke belang van technische wetenschappen. Wijsgerig Perspectief, 49 (4),32-39 7. Burg, Simone van der (2003). Naar een functionele notie van het morele oordeel. Algemeen Nederlands tijdschrift voor wijsbegeerte, 95(2), 100-110. 8. Burg, Simone van der, (2000). Internalisme in de gesitueerde ethiek, Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte, 92 (3), 209-217 Editing of special issues 1. Burg, Simone van der en Marianne Boenink (2012) Themanummer Translationele Geneeskunde en patiënten participatie, Tijdschrift voor Gezondheidszorg en Ethiek, Jaargang 22 (1) 2. Burg, Simone van der (ed.) (2009). De publieke rol van de universiteit; special issue, Wijsgerig Perspectief, 49: 4 3. Burg, Simone van der (ed.) (2007). Ethiek en kunst; special issue, Wijsgerig Perspectief, 47: 3 4. Burg, Simone van der (ed.) (2006) Collectie van essays over idealisme, geïncludeerd als edited volume in het tweede deel van een boek met de tekst van drie theaterstukken over dit thema. In: Graef, Peter de, Erik-Ward Geerlings and Marijke Schermer. Walhalla: is er nog plek voor idealen?, Uitgeverij International Theatre & Film Books, Het Zuidelijk Toneel, Amsterdam/Eindhoven Reports and policy documents: 1. Lauwere, Carolien de, en Simone van der Burg, 2019. Verkennende studie naar prikkels voor gedragsverandering naar duurzaam bodemkoolstofbeheer; Een literatuurstudie en acht interviews met akkerbouwers en melkveehouders. Wageningen, Wageningen Economic Research, Rapport 2019-034. 2. Lauwere, Carolien de, Simone van der Burg en Gerben Splinter, 2019. Glastuinbouwondernemers over ondernemen in tijden van transitie; Beelden, verwachtingen en onzekerheden. Wageningen, Wageningen Economic Research, Rapport 2019-093. 98 blz.; 13 fig.; 5 tab.; 37 ref. 46 blz.; 2 fig.; 4 tab.; 24 3. Scheer, Lieke van der, Elisa Garcia, Simone van der Burg, Marianne Boenink (2013). De stem van patienten; een kaartmethode voor patiëntenbetrokkenheid bij translationeel onderzoek, CTMM 4. Garcia, Elisa, Lieke van der Scheer, Marianne Boenink, Simone van der Burg, (2013). Een keuzehulp voor patiëntenbetrokkenheid bij translationeel onderzoek, CTMM. 5. Ouwens, Marielle, Simone van der Burg, Marjan Faber, Trudy van der Weijden (2013). Shared Decision-Making en Zelf Management: een literatuuronderzoek naar begripsbepaling, RVZ beleidsrapport 6. Faber, Marjan, Miriam Harmsen, Simone van der Burg, Trudy van der Weijden (2013). Gezamenlijke besluitvorming en zelfmanagement: een literatuurstudie naar de effectiviteit en de voorwaarden voor succes, RVZ beleidsrapport 8. Presentations (invited, selection last 5 years) 2019 • EIT Lecture and workshop on RRI in digital agriculture (November 2019) • ‘Responsible data sharing: results of stakeholder engagements’ (Greece 2019, invited by FairShare project) • Lecture Nyenrode University on RRI in digital agriculture (October 2019) • ‘Ethical aspects of digital agriculture’, Dublin, invited by Teacasc (June 2019) • Lecture and workshop ‘ethical aspects of smart farming’ (August, Griffith University, 2019) • Lecture: critical reflections on the EU Code of Conduct AgroConnect Summer seminar (6 June 2019) 2018 • ‘Framing the issues: ethical and legal aspects of smart farming’, presentation during the expert meeting in Bonn (Germany) organized by GODAN, FAO and GFAR (July 2018) • ‘Ethics of smart farming’, Nijenrode University, Breukelen, The Netherlands (May 2018) • ‘Dealing responsibly with big data in biobanks’, University of Padova (Italy) (April 2018) • The Social labs, contribution on ethics of smart farming during a workshop on responsible research and innovation, Budapest (Hungary), April 2018 • HubIT workshop, contribution on ethics of smart farming during an expert workshop aiming for the development of a framework for responsible research and innovation, March 2018 • ‘Ethics of Newborn screening’, presentation at the faculty of pedagogy Free University, Amsterdam 2017 • ‘The meaning of personalized medicine’, trainingsday for oncology data managers NVvOD, UMC Utrecht, November 2017 • ‘Patient participation in research’, University of Padova (Italy), May 2017 • ‘Ethics and responsible research and innovation’, University of Padova (Italy), May 2017 • ‘An innovative role for patients in research’, presentation for a trainingsday of research nurses, V&VN Research professionals, February 2017 • Participation in debate about genetic modification, Lorentz Center, Maart 2017 2016 • ‘Responsible Innovation and future anticipation’, Lecture and workshop for postdoc researchers at European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) in Heidelberg, Germany, June 2016 • ‘Informed consent and Mitec OK’s’, workshop Utrecht UMC, May 2016 • ‘On the hermeneutic need for future anticipation’, Expert workshop ‘hermeneutic futures’, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe (Germany), January 2016 • ‘Ethics and genetic modification of human beings’, at conference on genetic modification, organized by biosecurity office, RIVM, April 2016 2015 • ‘Moral experiences of professionals who have a role in newborn screening: the results of our research’, Workgroup research neonatal screening RIVM, June 2015 • ‘Waarom uw onderzoek eigenlijk ethisch is’, Radboud Grand Rounds, March 2015 • ‘Dilemma’s in newborn screening’, presentation for professional development of nurses, Utrecht (UMC) June 2015 9. Organisation of conferences, workshops, lectures (selection last 5 years) Academic conferences, workshops en seminars • Symposium with Kelly Bronson and Leanne Townsend. Wageningen University and Research, 26 November 2019 • Symposium DigiMetis, with lecture Laurette Dube, Wageningen University and Research, 12 May 2019 • Symposium DigiMetis at Wageningen Data Competence Center, Wageningen University and Research, November 2018 • Workshop with James Turner, Wageningen University and Research, 13 July 2018 • Workshop in het Radboudumc about responsible research and patient participation. IQ healthcare conference 2017. • From discovery to patient: Translational research in human genetics. Radboudumc March 2015 (organization together with Joris Veltman) Organisation of public debates (last 5 years) • Debate leader InScience filmfestival (in 2017 and 2018), Nijmegen • The day of science (6 october 2017). Large happening in Radboudumc for all citizens interested in science. I was responsible for organizing debates for children and teenagers about the value of science for society. • The innovation festival (21 Januari 2017) in Radboudumc. For all citizens with an interest in technology and health innovation. I was responsible for the student debates and gave a public lecture during the Radboud Draait Door. • Public debates in café Trianon (fall 2015 en 2016) about societal and ethical aspects of early diagnostics of Alzheimer, genetic diagnostics and biobanking (November 2015 and two times in 2016). • Film and new technology in filmtheatre and debate centre Lux, Nijmegen 2015 en 2016. (Organisation with Koen Dortmans) 10. Teaching As an assistant professor I was involved as a teacher and gave work groups and lectures about ethics in may courses for students in medicine and biomedical sciences. Here I just mention the courses I made/coordinated. I coordinated and taught the following courses in the bachelor’s curriculum. Between 2010 and 2015 • Utopism and medicine • Ethics and philosophy of biomedical sciences • Module Science and Integrity • Module Are we our brain? Between 2015 and 2018 • Module ethics of (genetic) Screening • Responsible Research and Innovation: learning to conduct a public debate about science and technology • Ethics and philosophy of Personalized Healthcare • Shared decision making in geriatrics • Reflecting on the societal meaning of science and innovation • Science in action. • Scientific Integrity I coordinated and taught the following courses in the master curriculum Between 2014 and 2018 • Ethical case deliberation • Reflections on experiences during internships of medical students • Ethical case deliberation during internships in gynaecology I gave the following lectures and workshops in postacademic education Between 2011 and 2018 • Coordination and teaching of yearly intensive course Responsible Research and Innovation and Human Genomics for international postdoctoral students, in Erasmus Mundus Master of Bioethics • PhD course (2 days) about Scientific Integrity to all PhD students biomedical sciences (6 times a year) • Lecture on ethics of early Alzheimer diagnostics for family doctors and geriatricians (twice a year) • Lecture on innovation ethics during course for geriatrians ‘Innovative technology and revalidation for elderly people; are unlimited possibilities desirable?’ • Lectures in the BROK course ‘Scientific Integrity’ • Lecture on ethics in course for family doctors on ethics and the new genomics. As advisor of PhD’s and postdocs on my projects 2015-2017 Diane van der Biessen 2013-2017 Olga Visser 2014-2017 Anke Oerlemans 2015-2016 Boukje van der Zee 2015-2016 Jelle van Gurp 2013-2016 Lotte Krabbenborg 2012- 2016 Elisa Garcia Advisory work for masters theses in Erasmus Mundus Masters of Bioethics 2015/16 Anamika Chatterjee 2014/15 Bernardo Meza and Euzebus Ezugwu 2013/14 Marcello Ienca and Geert Craenen 2012/13 Yu Ling Wang 2011/12 Alexandra Smatanova Coaching of interships 2017 Richard Moonen (On MITEC surgery rooms, and ethics) 2014/15 Jorn Muskens (On surgery robots, and ethics) 2017-2018 Innovation projects, 3 groups of first year students each year Before working at RadboudUMC, I taught also extensively at the universities where I was previously employed.