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Contact by mailDr. E. Lekakis holds a PhD, an MSc and a BSc title relevant to Agricultural Engineering, Soil and Irrigation Management, Environmental Hydraulics, Salinity, Irrigation Water and Soil Quality. His scientific activities cover subjects such as environmental-ecological modelling, soil-water chemistry, soil physics, hydrology, soil and water quality as well as remote sensing applications for agriculture. E. Lekakis has a vast experience in the development and implementation of mathematical models and applications, for the description of physical processes occurring in natural and agricultural ecosystems. E. Lekakis has gained considerable experience in field experiments, during his MSc and PhD research. E. Lekakis has developed an Irrigation Water Advisory Application for more than 35 irrigated crops, during his Post-Doc research. He has 8 articles published in international journals with impact factor, 3 articles in international journals without impact factor and 13 participations in conference proceedings. He is a reviewer in 6 international journals. BSc Agriculture Engineer in Field Crops and Ecology MSc Agricultural Engineering and Water Resources Management PhD Agricultural Engineering and Water Resources Management Department of Hydraulics, Soil Science and Agricultural Engineering, School of Agriculture, Faculty of Agriculture Forestry and Natural Environment, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece Employer at AgroApps P.C. (IT Solutions for Farming and Agriculture, Research and Development) 54-56 Themistokli Sofouli Str, 54655, Thessaloniki, Greece. Main activities and responsibilities: Digital Farm Applications, Assistant Scientific Coordinator, Member of the Scientific Team • Implementation of scientific procedures in the work flow of IT Solutions for Farming and Agriculture. • Preparation of scientific deliverables based on remote sensing, EO and non-EO data use in agriculture. • Co-preparation of the Technical and Scientific Description of proposals under co-funded programmes. • Submission of Proposals co-funded by the European Union and the Hellenic Ministry of Agricultural Development and Food. Participation in the following projects: • H2020-SFS-2018-2. STARGATE: “Resilient Farming by Adaptive Microclimate Management” • H2020-DT-2018-2. ATLAS: “Agricultural Interoperabilty and Analysis System” • H2020 DT-SPACE-01-EO-2018-2020. BEACON: “Boosting Agricultural Insurance based on Earth Observation data” • EPAnEK (Operational Programme Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation 2014-2020-EPAnEK) AgriSafe: “Advancing Agriculture Insurance Tools using EO data and Weather Intelligence services for a Safer Agricultural Production” • ESA Funded – NITREOS: “Nitrogen Fertilization, Irrigation and Crop Growth Monitoring using Earth Observation Systems” • H2020 EO-1-2016: Downstream applications. “DIANA: Detection and Integrated Assessment of Non-authorised water Abstractions using EO” • H2020-SFS-2016-2017/H2020-SFS-2017-1 AfriCultuReS: “Enhancing Food Security in African Agricultural Systems with the Support of Remote Sensing”. • H2020 EO-1-2015 APOLLO: “Advisory platform for small farms based on earth observation”.