Florian Schlenz
Geocledian GmbH
Dr. Florian Schlenz (male), Geographer is COO of Geocledian. He has more than 12 years of professional experience in remote sensing research, software development, GIS, radiative and land surface models, statistics, project management and university teaching. After receiving the Diploma in Geography (2007), from Ludwig-Maximilians Universität München (LMU), Germany, he did his PhD on Coupled land surface and radiative transfer models for the analysis of passive microwave satellite observations at the same institution (2012). He worked as scientific assistant and researcher at the Department of Geography at LMU doing project management and research in several DLR and EU FP7 funded projects on soil moisture derivation from EO data, agricultural applications of remote sensing data time series and Climate Change induced changes of the hydrological cycle of the Mediterranean region. He was also teaching Remote Sensing, GIS and Physical Geography in the frame of the Bachelor degree programme “Geography” and is currently teaching at the University of Applied Sciences Weihenstephan-Triesdorf in the frame of the Master degree programme “Agricultural Management”. He joined Geocledian in 2015 where he is responsible for customer operations doing also software systems architecture design, software development and applied earth observation product design. He is Geocledian’s project manager of BigDataGrapes, a H2020 research project to develop a BigData platform for the grapevine powered industry. He is co-author of more than 40 publications in scientific books, journals and conferences.