Jerome Laffely
Bachmann AG, Bütschwil
Contact by mailXavier holds a Master degree in Environmental Sciences and Engineering from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland, and has been working at Quantis since 2010. In addition to his main role as senior sustainability consultant on a wide variety of projects, Xavier is in charge of scientific coordination for Quantis globally. He was involved as project leader or expert in a large number of LCA projects for companies and public institutions worldwide. His core expertise lies in the following sectors: agro-food, bio-based products, packaging, waste management and oil and gas. He is the project leader of the World Food LCA Database and is the main consultant for the European Product Environmental Footprint pilot project on dairy products. He is also involved in various European research projects in the fields of toxicity assessment (TOX-TRAIN), biorefineries (RENESENG) and industrial symbiosis (EPOS, SCALER) and bio-based materials (BIOCATPOLYMERS). Xun Liao (Senior LCA Analyst, MALE) holds a Masters degree from the Johns Hopkins University (Baltimore, USA) in Environmental Management and Economics. He is currently pursuing his PhD degree in the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL, Switzerland). Xun is an expert in water modelling, spatial LCA, life cycle inventory modelling, energy analysis and corporate footprinting and reporting. He has worked with various industries, including energy, agro-food, packaging, tire, oil & gas, pet food and textile sector. He is currently acting as Project Manager for the EU-funded H2020 project BIONICO.