Chair for Geodesy and Geoinformatics
University Rostock
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Görres Grenzdörffer, born 1968, began his academic career with studies in geography, geology and soil sciences in Tübingen, Stuttgart-Hohenheim and at the Louisiana State University from 1987 - 1994.
From 1994 - 2001 he became a scientific assistant (C1) at the institute for geodesy and geoinformatics at the Rostock University. Thereby he was also the leader of the working group remote sensing and precision farming. In 2001 a short visit to the centre for agricultural landscape and land use research (ZALF) followed. In the same year the PhD thesis in the field of precision farming and remote sensing was completed.
Currently Dr. Görres Grenzdörffer is a senior lecturer at the chair for geodesy and geoinformatics at Rostock University. Beside the scientific work which is well documented in over 100 publications he is also engaged in teaching and he has been appointed the vice chair of the Steinbeis Transferzentrum Geoinformatik, Rostock. He is active in several national and international scientific societies and currently in the steering commity of ISPRS Working Group ICWG I/II: "UAS & Small Multi-sensor Platforms: Concepts & Applications"