UMR EGCE; IRD, CNRS, Univ. Paris-Saclay
Since the begining of my PhD (1989) I am specializecd in the study of Honeybee genetic diversity and evolution (Apis mellifera). My research aim to discribe the genetic structure and to relate the evolutionary history of the species. I have developed a mitochondrial PCR based test to study the matriacal lineages of honey bees. This test has been currently used to (i) distinguish the maternal origin of a colony (from the different lineages M, A, 0 and C), (ii) estimate the level of maternal introgressions at the beeyards and populations level. Screening of a partial genomic library for microsatellites loci gave us the possibility to use these loci to access the nuclear counterpart of the genome and to describe genomic diversity of the honey bee. These markers were used to describe the genetic diversity of the Honeybee from individual to species levels and to access the fine structure and functionning of the honey bee population (gene flow within and between populations, population sub-structure, and drone congregation survey). Since 2008, I have been involved in the setting up of honeybee genetic preservation centers in France. In order to access the dynamics of the colonies we have developped field studies to monitor honeybee colonies. These methods using genetical and eco-ethological approaches were applied in the Beehope project (BiodivERsa-FACCE2014-91) and were applied to assess the prevalence of infectious diseases (bacteria, Microsporidies and Viruses) and to study in-hive pathogen dynamics (2015-2018). As president of FEdCAN ( I am also scientifically supporting a French network of beekeeper associations for the conservation of local bees that will be involved in the project. I have 44 peer-review articles, a h-index of 32 and my research got 3923 citations (