Wageningen Economic Research
Stichting Wageningen Research
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2019–Present: Researcher business innovation | Wageningen Economic Research, Wageningen (Netherlands)
Information-, Risk management and Information governance group
▪ Research, knowledge and concept development;
▪ Business innovation and business model support;
▪ Stakeholder management;
▪ Project management;
▪ Acquisition activities.
2016–2019 Project leader/applied researcher | Radboud University - dept of Microbiology, Nijmegen (Netherlands)
Proof of Concept project exploring the economic potential of a combined application of two microbiological processes for wastewater treatment (WWT) as a first step from fundamental research towards a possible application. I was responsible for the:
▪ Management and execution of the project;
▪ Formation of and discussions with an Innovation Network (including scientific experts, stakeholders from the industry and the water sector);
▪ Development of integrated framework for business case analysis and development of business cases for two WWT plants;
▪ Development of final report and publication (lead author) in a professional magazine for the water sector;
2015–2016 Researcher | Agromisa Foundation (as a volunteer), Wageningen (Netherlands)
▪ Investigating the feasibility of and need for developing an Agrodok issue (Agrodok is a book series) about Climate Change and Food Security, and preparing the basic outlines of what concepts should be covered;
▪ Coordinating a group of students from Wageningen University in an Academic Consultancy Training assignment for Agromisa Foundation.
2008–2014 Project coordinator | National Research program Knowledge for Climate, Utrecht (Netherlands)
Transdisciplinary program Knowledge for Climate (2008-2014) focused on developing applied knowledge on climate adaptation and the development of regional adaptation strategies .My duties and responsibilities were among others:
▪ Coordination, monitoring & evaluation of about 50 of the projects in the program;
▪ Participating in the programming of the calls, developing proposal formats and guidelines;
▪ Organising and writing the annual reports (the activities) of KfC;
▪ Participating in program and project meetings;
▪ Assisting the executive board of KfC in their decision making (give advice, prepare and execute decisions);
▪ Co-organising symposiums & writing news items about projects.
2003–2004 Junior researcher | Wageningen University and Research, Wageningen (Netherlands)
Erosion, Soil and water Conservation Group
Writing PhD research proposal.
2004–2008 PhD Production Ecology & Resource Conservation
Wageningen University and Research, Wageningen (Netherlands) | Erosion, Soil and Water Conservation Group
Study: “Exploring farmers’ drought perceptions in Ethiopia and Tanzania: search for the missing link in prioritizing actions for improved productivity in semi-arid East Africa”
Objectives: 1) To understand farmers’ perceptions of drought; 2) to relate farmers’ perceptions to various forms of agricultural drought; 3) to explore the strategies farmers have to cope with drought; 4) to recommend how to improve agricultural productivity in a sustainable manner.
Field study areas: Kondoa District in Tanzania, and Debre Sina Zone in Ethiopia.
PhD defence on 7 November 2004
1998–2001 MSc Rural Development Studies | Specialisation: Rural Development Sociology
Wageningen University, Wageningen (Netherlands)
2001: MSc thesis research at Ethiopian Agricultural Research Organisation (EARO)
Sociological study (under supervision of Law and Governance Group and Erosion, Soil and Water Conservation Group) entitled: “Securing land rights for improved soil & water conservation in the highlands of Ethiopia”.
1994–1999 bc. Geography | Specialisation Development Issues
Fontys Hogescholen (University of applied sciences), Tilburg (Netherlands)
In the third year 2 weeks field training in Morocco and 2 week practical period in a small village in the High-Atlas Mountains.
In the fourth, final year: 4 months practical period in Zambia. Field study in the “Cattle-in-trust” project, a cooperative project of Africare and HPI International.
Scientific peer-reviewed:
Östberg W., Slegers, M.F.W. (2010) Losing faith in the land: changing environmental perceptions in Burunge country, Tanzania. Journal of Eastern African Studies, July 2010 4(2) 247-265
Slegers, M.F.W. (2008) “If only it would rain”: Farmers’ perceptions of rainfall and drought in semi-arid central Tanzania. Journal of Arid Environments 72 (11), 2106– 2123
Slegers, M.F.W., Stroosnijder, L. (2008) Beyond the desertification narrative: an agricultural drought framework for semi-arid East Africa. Ambio 37 (5), 372–380
Slegers M.F.W. (2008) Exploring farmers' perceptions of drought in Tanzania and Ethiopia. PhD thesis Wageningen University and Research Centre, Wageningen http://edepot.wur.nl/14361
Slegers, M.F.W., Maalcke-Luesken, F.A., Jetten, M.S.M., Hendrickx, T.L.G., Frijters, C., Haarhuis, R. (2019) Innovative method to remove nitrogen and methane from wastewater. H2O Water Matters 2019, pp. 36-38
Driessen, P.P.J., Vellinga, P., Van Deelen, C.L., Slegers, M.F.W., Döpp, S.P., Heinen, M., De Pater, F, Piek, O., Van Nieuwaal, K. (2015) Knowledge for Climate 2008-2014, Foundation Knowledge for Climate, Utrecht
Slegers, M.F.W., Zougmoré, R., Stroosnijder, L. (2005) Closing the gap between priority problems for natural resource management in Burkina Faso: Exploring drought perceptions of farmers and natural resource management institutions. Wageningen University and Research Centre/ICRISAT, Wageningen
- Slegers, M., Kidanu, S., Hospes, O., Stroosnijder, L. (2004) Land tenure and soil & water conservation adoption in Ethiopia. In: Kidanu, S. Using Eucalyptus for soil and water conservation on the highland vertisols of Ethiopia, Tropical Resource management Papers, 52, Wageningen University and Research Centre, Wageningen