Vito Trianni
Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
Contact by mailVito Trianni (MALE) is a senior researcher at ISTC-CNR. Dr. Trianni received the M.Sc. in Computer Science Engineering at the Politecnico di Milano (Italy), and the Ph.D. in Applied Sciences at the Universit´e Libre de Bruxelles. Dr. Trianni has authored about 100 publications with an h-index of 30, according to Google Scholar. He won twice the best paper award at the Intelligent Autonomous Systems conference (2004, 2013), and the best paper award at the International Conference on Swarm Intelligence (ANTS 2016). Dr. Trianni’s research mainly involves swarm intelligence and swarm robotics studies, with particular emphasis on the design and analysis of complex self-organising systems and distributed cognitive processes. Dr. Trianni pioneered the domain of Evolutionary Swarm Robotics, that is, the synthesis of collective behaviours for robotic swarms through the exploitation of evolutionary robotics techniques. More recently, Dr. Trianni is conducting research on the analysis and design of large-scale decentralised systems, not limited to swarm robotics (e.g., cognitive radio networks), with a special focus on collective decision making processes. Dr. Trianni participated to some of the most successful EU projects in cognitive systems and robotics, and was principal scientific investigator for the ISTC-CNR within the Swarmanoid and H2Swarm projects. He was a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow, thanks to a career integration grant awarded for the DICE project (Distributed Cognition Engineering, 2014-2018), which focused on the development of an engineering methodology for distributed cognitive systems, and acted as project coordinator for the ECHORD++ experiment SAGA (Swarm robotics for Agricultural Applications, 2016-2018).