Karl Presser
Premotec GmbH
Contact by mailDr Karl Presser is the founder and managing partner of Premotec GmbH and Premotec Poland sp. z o.o. Until 2018, he also worked as a senior scientist in the Department of Computer Science at ETH Zurich in the Global Information Systems Group. He trained as a computer scientist and earned his doctoral degree at ETHZ investigating data quality on food composition data. He started his professional career as a developer in an SME and got director of the extended executive board. He designed a relational database to store and calculate timetables for universities and secondary schools using artificial intelligence, in particular evolutionary algorithms. Karl is the primary creator of FoodCASE, a tool to manage and generate food data, where some research work is incorporated. With more than 10 years of experience in food data, Karl contributed to different European and international standards and recommendations in managing and exchanging food data. His current work is focusing on European research infrastructures and European Open Science Clouds (EOSC). Karl participated and led different national, European and International research and development projects. He is board member of EuroFIR AISBL and TC23 of the International Measurement Confederation (IMEKO).