David Stevens
Senior Scientist working as a farming systems specialist for AgResearch Ltd, New Zealand's Pastoral Agriculture Research Insititute. Conducts work researching farming systems across cattle, sheep and deer, including red meat and dairy production, and most temperate forages; genetic interactions with nutrition; promoting and contributing to the implementation of new technologies which will enhance on-farm productivity. Specific research programmes: Virtual Fencing in extensive grazing systems demonstrating the effectiveness of virtual fencing, developing new grazing systems and understand industry-wide technology uptake. Dairy Sheep Farm Systems Improving the milk production and lamb growth and health in dairy sheep farming through nutrition. Seasonal growth and physiology of red deer developing knowledge of forage-based nutrition of the hind and weaner and the impact on the whole farm system. Legumes for low fertility hill country understanding the agronomy, animal production and farm systems implications for changing legume content in extensive grazing environments. Demonstration of relationships with end-users includes commercial contracts with many companies and organisations over time, most recently Agersens Pty, Gallagher Ltd, Silver Fern Farms, Landcorp Farming Ltd and Firstlight Ltd. Research and extension engagement through working with indigenous agribusiness groups, Dairy Sheep, Deer Industry, Beef + Lamb NZ Farmer Initiated Technology Transfer, and Sustainable Farming Fund programmes working with veterinarians, consultants, Universities and farmers. Over 70 published papers, over 50 conference publications and 7 book chapters.