Roland Lenain
Institut National de Recherche pour l'agriculture, l'alimentation et l'environnement
Contact by mailRoland Lenain is currently director of research at INRAe (Irstea-INRA) in the Technology and Information System (TSCF) unit at the Clermont-Ferrand center. Engineer of the French Institute for Advanced Mechanics in 2002 and holder of a DEA mechanical engineering and civil engineering obtained the same year, he defended in 2005 a doctoral thesis from Blaise Pascal University in robotics, on autonomous control of agricultural vehicles. After a post doctorate in the Automatic Control department of the University of Lund in Sweden, he joined Irstea in 2006. After coordinating several research projects in mobile robotics dedicated to the evolution in natural environments, he obtained a Habilitation to Direct Research in 2011, and since 2015 has led the Robotics and Mobility team for the Environment and Agriculture (Romea). In addition, coordinator of the terrestrial robotics theme within the Robotics Research Group, his research mainly applies to robotics in natural environments for agriculture. In this capacity, he has chaired the scientific and technical council of the RobAgri association since 2017, bringing together many actors for the structuring of a national agricultural robotics sector.