Ines Härtel
European University Viadrina
Contact by mailProf. Ines Härtel holds the Chair for Public Law, Administrative, European, Environmental, Agricultural and Food Law at the Law Faculty of the European University Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder). In addition, she is head of the University’s Research Centre for Digital Law. In 2018 Prof. Härtel was appointed member of the Digital Advisory Board of the State of Brandenburg. Her main areas of research and expertise are European Union Law, environmental and especially agricultural law, digital law as well as comparative law. She focuses - among others - on: - legal issues of artificial intelligence (AI), - data and data protection law, - Agrar 4.0: legal questions on the digitisation of agriculture / food industry, - and digital federalism, e-government/digital administration. Further relevant experience: • Judge, Supreme Administrative Court for Berlin-Brandenburg (three-year activity from 2017 to 2019) • Adjunct Professor at the China Agricultural University of Beijing (Elite university), College of Humanities and Development, China 中国农业大学 (since 2010) • Vice President of the European-University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) (2015-2017) • Professor at the Law Faculty of the Ruhr-University Bochum, Chair of Public Law, Administrative Law, European Law, Agricultural Law and Environmental Law (2009-2014) • Director of the Institute for Mining and Energy Law of the Ruhr-University Bochum (2010-2014) • Managerial head of the Institute for Agricultural Law at the Georg-August-University Göttingen (2003-2009), at the same time co-editor of the scientific series for Agricultural Law, Environmental Law and Consumer Protection Law • Habilitation with a study about “European law-making", Venia Legendi for Public Law, European Law and Comparative Law (2005) • Doctoral dissertation with a comparative study in Agricultural and Environmental Law (2001) • Awardee of a dissertation fellowship by the “Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt” (German Federal Environmental Foundation), research periods at the Institute for Agricultural Law in Wageningen (Netherlands) and at the Catholic University Leuven (Belgium) • Research projects (third-party funding) - selection: - Interdisciplinary scientific joint project "Agricultural Systems of the Future: DAKIS - Digital Knowledge and Information System for Agriculture", funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), 2019-2024. - KORN - Cosmopolitan Legal Regime for Neo-Nutritional Sovereignty, funded by the Ministry of Science, Research and Culture of the State of Brandenburg / Borders in Motion, finalised in 2017. - Sustainable Partners - Partners for Sustainability: Sustainable Use of Resources in Agriculture against the Background of Global Food Security: The Contribution of Environmental and Agricultural Law (German-Chinese Legal Dialogue), funded by Robert Bosch Stiftung, finalized in 2018.