Edit Zajácz
National Centre for Biodiversity and Gene Conservation, Insitute for Farm Animal Gene Conservation
Contact by mailShe has been working in KÁTKI since 2001 and has been senior research fellow since 2007. She has been acting head of the Institute of Apiculture since 2012. Her main field of research at the present is gene conservation of the honey bee (Apis mellifera carnica pannonica) and the assessment of apicultural value of bee pasture plants (nectar and pollen production, determination of the sugar composition of nectar). Since 2004 she has been a regular lecturer and examiner of the state-approved apicultural training course of skilled apiarists in the subject of “Bee pastures and pollination”. In apicultural events she gives lectures on the nectar production of sunflower and other plants suitable for bee pasture. In 2012 she was the scientific supervisor of the project titled 'Investigation of nectar production of sunflower hybrids'. She currently participates in VEKOP-2.3.2-16-2016-00012 project (2017-2021). The title is 'Foundation and scientific elaboration a new XXI. century gene bank strategy for the Carpathian Basin indigenous livestock species, varieties and ecotypes'. She is the leader of the subproject of 'Development of methods for in vitro sperm storage in Carniolan honey bee'. The institute has also taken part in the following project: VEKOP-2.1.1-15-2016-00166 (2018-2019), as subcontractor. She was the project leader of its apicultural part: 'Breeding, propagation and establishment of long-flowering plantations of frost-tolerant black locust varieties with outstanding apicultural value and wood quality for maximizing high-quality of honey production and high yield of wood'.