Florentina Magda Enescu
University of Pitesti
1. Family Name: ENESCU; First name: Florentina Magda Current position: PhD in Electronic Engineering and Telecommunications (2008); Lecturer at University of Pitesti, Faculty of Electronics, Communications and Computers (FECC) (2011); Manager, technical director; designer in information technology; programmer; system engineer; authorized educational compartment lecturer for CPI (Centrul de Pregatire in Informatica Bucuresti); authorized trainer in informatics for Labour Division and Ministry of Education ; chief compartment of training and education (1985-2003). Professional experience: Data base, Hybrid Power Systems, SCADA Systems, Programming languages. http://scholar.google.com/citations Relevant papers: Books published in Internat./National Publishing House: 1/9: 1. Fl. Enescu, N. Bizon, C. M. Moraru, Cap. Issues in Securing Critical Infrastructure Networks for Smart Grid Based on SCADA, Other Industrial Control and Communication Systems, Editor: Naser Mahdavi Tabatabaei, Sajad Najafi Ravadanegh, Nicu Bizon, Power Systems Resilience pp 289-324, Springer, 2019 2. Fl. Enescu, N. Bizon, C. I. Hoarca, Energy Management of the Grid-Connected PV Array, In: Mahdavi Tabatabaei N., Kabalci E., Bizon N. (eds) Microgrid Architectures, Control and Protection Methods. Power Systems. Springer, ISBN978-3-030-23722-6, pp 255-288, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-23723-3_11 3. Fl. Enescu, N. Bizon, Cap. 15 SCADA applications for Electric Power System, N. M. Tabatabaei, N. Bizon, A. J. Aghbolaghi, and Frede Blaabjerg (Ed.), Fundamentals and Contemporary Issues of Reactive Power Control in AC Power Systems, Springer Verlag London Limited, 2017; http://www.springer.com/gp/book/9783319511177 4. Fl. Enescu, Moraru C., Informatica aplicata, ISBN-978-606-560-491-9, Editura Universităţii Piteşti, 2016, pag. 467 5. Fl. Enescu, Iniţiere în HMI/SCADA – Aplicaţii, Editura Universităţii Piteşti, 2015, pag. 185 6. Fl. Enescu, „Baze de date – aplicaţii”, Editura Conphys, ISBN-978-973-950-061-8, Rm. Vâlcea, 125 pg. 7. Fl. Enescu, „Baze de date Access”, Editura Conphys, ISBN- 987-973-750-066-3, Rm. Vâlcea, Pg.141 Papers indexed in ISI jurnals - WOS 1. Savoiu G; Manea C; Iorga-Siman V; Enescu FM; Cudanov M; Jasko O; Jasko A, A corporate model of similitude for smes reunion into a corporation, viewed from the angle of physical thought, and its complex economic and social impact, Amfiteatru Economic Journal - Volume XIII ● February 2011 ● No. 29, ISSN 1582-9146, is recognized and classified category A - ISI Thomson 2. N Bizon, AG Mazare, LM Ionescu, FM Enescu, Optimization of the proton exchange membrane fuel cell hybrid power system for residential building,. Jourmal Energy Conversion and Management, Volume 163, 1 May 2018, Pages 22-37, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enconman.2018.02.025 Papers indexed in ISI – WOS - Conference 1. Savoiu G; Enescu, FM, Multi-disciplinary modelling knowledge as a pragmatic solution in engineering and business education, Balkan Region Conference on Engineering and Business Education/2nd International Conference on Engineering and Business Education, Lucian Blaga Univ, Sibiu, ROMANIA, Pages: 219-224 2. Alexandru Nițu, Cosmin Știrbu, Alexandru Ene, Florentina Magda Enescu, Traffic management system, ECAI 2017 (International Conference – 7th Edition, Electronics, Computers and, Artificial Intelligence, Bucharest, ROMÂNIA, 29 June -01 Julie 2017), Volume 1, P35-P40, 2017 3. Florentina Magda Enescu, Cicerone Nicolae Marinescu, Valeriu Manuel Ionescu. Cosmin Știrbu, System for monitoring and controlling renewable energy sources, ECAI 2017 (International Conference – 7th Edition, Electronics, Computers and, Artificial Intelligence, Bucharest, ROMÂNIA, 29 June -01 Julie 2017), Volume 1, 2017 4. IC Hoarcă, FM Enescu, N Bizon, Energy efficiency for renewable energy application, .International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference: SGEM; Sofia Vol. 18, Iss. 4.1, : 325-332. Sofia: Surveying Geology & Mining Ecology Management (SGEM). (2018) DOI:10.5593/sgem2018/4.1/S17.043 5. Cristian Ioan Hoarcă ; Florentina Magda Enescu, On the energy efficiency of standalone fuel cell/renewable hybrid power sources Part II: Simulation results for variable load profile with different renewable energy sources profiles (RES), 2018 International Conference on Applied and Theoretical Electricity (ICATE), IEEE, DOI: 10.1109/ICATE.2018.8551440 6. CI Hoarcă, FM Enescu, On the energy efficiency of standalone fuel cell/renewable hybrid power sources Part I: Simulation results for constant load profile without RES power, 2018 International Conference on Applied and Theoretical Electricity (ICATE), DOI: 10.1109/ICATE.2018.8551401, IEEE, Craiova 7. FM Enescu, N Bizon, A Cirstea, C Stirbu, Blockchain Technology Applied in Health The Study of Blockchain Application in the Health System (I), 2018 10th International Conference on Electronics, Computers and Artificial Intelligence (ECAI), DOI: 10.1109/ECAI.2018.8678952 8. A Cirstea, FM Enescu, N Bizon, C Stirbu, VM Ionescu, Blockchain Technology Applied in Health The Study of Blockchain Application in the Health System (II), 2018 10th International Conference on Electronics, Computers and Artificial Intelligence (ECAI), DOI: 10.1109/ECAI.2018.8679029 9. G Grigoras, N Bizon, FM Enescu, JML Guede et all, ICT based Smart Management Solution to Realize Water and Energy Savings through Energy Efficiency Measures in Water Distribution Systems, 2018 10th International Conference on Electronics, Computers and Artificial Intelligence (ECAI), IEEE, DOI: 10.1109/ECAI.2018.8679012 10. FM Enescu, C Ştirbu, V Ionescu, SCADA Network System for the Monitoring and Control of an Electrical Installation Supplied by a Hydro-Generator, International Joint Conference SOCO’16-CISIS’16-ICEUTE’16 pp 156-166 11. 2019 11th International Conference on Electronics, Computers and Artificial Intelligence (ECAI) 12. 2019 11th International Conference on Electronics, Computers and Artificial Intelligence (ECAI) Projects’ coordinator: 1. Research contract no. 87/1999 between Softexpress Valcea S.A. and AMCIST Politehnica, part of the national programme RELANSIT 1999 - responsabil contract. 2. Experimental system for electronic documents SEDAC, director; 3. Research contract no. 30/07.11.2001, part of the national programme INFOSOC , competition 2: Study on the execution and implementation of a database for the University of Craiova, University of Craiova, Softexpress Valcea S.A. director of contract. 4. Joint work with the National Institute for Research and Development (ICI Bucuresti) as part of the ORIZONT 2000 research programme: Execution of systems for electronic exchange of data in public administration and commercial activities – responsible head of contract.