Omer Naci Karatas
Contact by mailCURRICULUM VITAE 1. Family name: KARATAŞ 2. First names: ÖMER NACİ 3. Date of birth: 15/12/1970 4. Nationality: TURKISH 5. Civil status: MARRIED 6. Education: Institution Degree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained: Galatasaray University/Management Information Systems/İstanbul/Turkey/2000 Master's (no thesis) Erciyes University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences/Kayseri/Turkey/1988-1993 Department Of Business Administration 7. Language skills: Indicate competence on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 - excellent; 5 - basic) Language Reading Speaking Writing Turkish Native Language English 3 3 3 8. Membership of professional bodies: 9. Other skills: Excellent MS Office Applications (Project, Excel, Word, Power Point), Excellent Training / Coaching Skills, Strong Administrative and Entrepreneur back ground, Excellent Communication, Leadership, Negotiation, Motivation, Management, Quantitative and Teamwork Skills. 10. Present Position: General Director in Elazıg ISGEM (Enterprise Development Centre) /Elazıg/Turkey 11. Years within the firm: December/2017-Present 12. Key qualifications: • More than 25 years business experience in different sectors (15 years manager) • Experience in preparing project training • Entrepreneurship education in Fırat University • Experience in project writing • Experience in preparing Financial Plan • Highly qualified in communication skills • Highly experienced in reporting 13. Specific experience in the region Country Date from – Date to Elazıg/Turkey 2015-2019 14. Professional experience Date from - to Location Company & reference person Position Description 12.2015-12.2017 Elazıg/Turkey YoncaCBS Geographic Information Systems Company Manager FıratTeknokent all company operating in company management, such as financial, sales and marketing activities. Software and technical tests of the finished product market, I'm trying to develop and fund projects about downs.. Security in native product sales promotion and marketing, while with in nationality projects attempted to do. General management of the company's financing balance and the Board of Directors to follow the necessary intervention. Costings and price policies, work; profitability and other financial analysis and targeted budgets over short, medium and long-term plans and implementation. Within the brand needs/patent/copyright their work, I'm running. 11.2013-02.2015 Acıpayam/ Denizli Aynes Dairy Product Planning Manager Milk and dairy products is one of the industry's first five companies engaged in the production of Aynes. Enterprise like planning, production planning, logistics, warehouse management activities. SAP migration process. The company's sales policy, sales operations unit in conjunction with the preparation of the annual budget, determine the monitoring of budget control, raw materials determination of senior management, such as budgets and policies will direct strategic work and report. Costing, product costs, direct and indirect, such as specific costing. The number of staff attached to ~ 70 people. 10.2019-07.2011 İstanbul Kerevitaş/Superfresh Frozen Food Products Yıldız Holding-Ülker Planning and Logistics Manager Along with "frozen" dry food products manufactured and shipped, the firm that seasonal agricultural products, including production planning, efficient logistics operation. Line optimizations, productivity studies. The company's sales policy, sales operations unit in conjunction with the preparation of the annual budget, determine the monitoring of budget control, identification of raw materials purchase budgets and policies, as well as the top management will direct the strategic work and reporting. The number of staff attached to ~ 120 people. 01.2008-09.2009 İstanbul Nuh Panel Construction/ Nuh Group Special Project Product/Brand Manager Construction sector the group especially r&d development of part of the specific product in question; product development and supply of specific raw materials did. Chemical and metal material mainly products group, the company's discovery of the raw materials needed, suppliers (procurement), domestic/overseas is actually a suite of processes that must be performed. Product management within the scope of price analysis, analysis of profitability and parity, price indexing, such as determining the market price they did work. 12.2005-05.2007 İstanbul Tatlıcı Tombak Plant Manager Milky Desserts Factory Manager at the chain stores. Due to the nature of this organization from the company, procurement, production, shipment volumes. Directing the productions, which are necessary for the production of raw materials and equipment to investigate alternative issuance of the order of the recipients; In addition it is necessary to the production of machinery, equipment, technology/price research, purchasing processes effectively. The level of the 80 scattered around the country to the point of sale reducing logistics distribution network losses made on the studies and projects. Micro-distribution and logistics have been about specific trials. Depending on the number of staff of the ~ 180. 15. Other relevant information: (e.g. publications)