Working Groups
European Society of Agricultural Engineers (EurAgEng)
Contact by mail
Expertise: All aspects of agricultural and biosystems engineering are covered by the 2600 members of EurAgEng. Find someone with likely expertise in the members' database.
Eighteen Working Groups (WGs) ranging from Air Quality in Animal Houses to Soil & Water provide the technical nucleus of the Society. The WGs are grouped into nine Fields of Interest and members are encouraged to register their interest in up to three such fields (given in the Members' daatbase) and participate in the discussion and dissemination of scientific knowledge.
Talk to members at the conferences, attend the parallel technical sessions and join in with the Working Group meetings
Facility: -Members rates to AgEng conferences, including Land.Technik-AgEng before Agritechnica 2011, CIGR-AgEng in 2012, Land.Technik-AgEng again in 2013, AgEng2014, Land.Technik-AgEng 2015, CIGR-AgEng 2016
-Biosystems Engineering (official scientific journal just