This project was funded by the innovation program of the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL), funding agency was the Federal Office for Agriculture and Food (BLE) .
Today, planning and application of agricultural pesticides, observancy of field boundary structures and regulations around water courses, including documentation are within the competence and control of the driver who carries out the agricultural process. The goal of this project is to provide an application which enables the precise, dynamic and automatic assistance to farmers in making decisions on such crop protection measures. Therefore all relevant data such as terrain and machinery, together with data from sources such as the manufacturer and government, will be merged into a central software system, providing a decision-making tool in terms of an optimal usage of pesticides for planning and execution of the respective action.
Project partners:
ZEPP - Zentralstelle der Länder für EDV-gestützte Entscheidungshilfen und Programme im Pflanzenschutz
KTBL - Kuratorium für Technik und Bauwesen in der Landwirtschaft
JKI Klein Machnow
John Deere GmbH & Co. KG - Intelligent Solutions Group
Informationssystem Integrierte Pflanzenproduktion (ISIP) e.V.