The truly innovative idea of this partnership is to integrate data from distributed information sources to provide new technologies, solutions and cultivation techniques for modern high yielding and low emis-sion precision farming. The com-mercial output targets optimization of key operations in the cropping cycle by balancing profitability for the farmer with risk of unintended emissions from fields and subsur-face. Regulatory restrictions on the nutrient levels applied to Danish arable fields have reduced emis-sions to coastal waters, but as a side effect also led to stagnating agricultural crop yields and quality ver the past 20 years. The partnership therefore addresses the INNO+ challenge to increase plant production per hectare, while at the same time reducing the impact on the environment. The Commission on Nature and Agriculture (2013) recommended a shift from the current regulation with general fertiliser norms and limits on production, towards a more differentiated and targeted regulation. Such regulation is expected to be implemented in 2016. The overall success criteria of the partnership are therefore, to develop and commercialise more efficient and sustainable solutions for crop production, which will increase crop yields per hectare by around 2% per year.
The developed solutions will be implemented through the advisory service, information technology, agricultural machinery and regulatory agencies, to ensure their successful implementation at the farm level, both within the partnership time-frame, and subsequent to the partnership. The regulatory authorities will have access to updated data and reliable information for development of a possible new regulation paradigm on differentiated cultivation through the Data Platform of the Model Landscape. The technological developments of high tech and sustainable farm machinery in this partnership are expected to put Denmark into a unique position as a highly attractive R&D location for international companies engaged in precision agriculture. This is expected to generate spin-off for Danish companies, in particular SME’s engaged in open innovation of technology and solutions for national and global markets. Finally the Danish society will benefit from this partnership economically (increased export of food, agrotechnology and agro-bio, and increased employment) and by improvements in the environment.
Project partners:
Kongskilde Industries A/S
Orbicon A/S
Ejlskov A/S
Yara Danmark Gødning A/S
Aarhus Universitet
Københavns Universitet
AgroTech A/S
Agro Business Park
FOSS Analytical A/S
Claas Agrosystems
Rambøll Danmark A/S