In which sector is your organisation active?:
Arable farming: staple crops (grains, beets , potatoes, oilseeds, sugarcane,....)
Arable farming: vegetable crops (cabbage, carrots, ...)
Arable farming: ornamentals (trees, flowers, ...)
Orchards (apples, pears, grapes (for direct consumption and for wine production), ...)
Greenhouse crops: vegetables (tomatoes, salat, ...)
Greenhouse crops: ornamentals (trees, flowers, ...)
Livestock: dairy production
Livestock: beef production
Livestock: pig production
What is your organisations role in view of the provision of ICT to farmers?:
If you choose the "Other" option, please state your role::
Logiciels sur ordinateurs et outils mobiles (smartphone ; tablette) pour le suivi et la gestion des exploitations agricoles + GPS pour arpenter et se guider dans les champs
What is the size of your company?:
big company (+250 employees)
On what markets is your organisation active?:
national market
european market
international market
Who are your targeted customers?:
If you choose "others" please specify your costumer type::