Henrik Barth
Halmstad University
Halmstad University
Center for Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Learning research (CIEL)
Henrik Barth is an associate professor in innovation sciences, with a focus on innovation management, and currently working with several research projects addressing sustainable business model innovation and specifically the transformation phase from conventional to digital manufacturing in SMEs, which is developed in close collaboration with companies, public sector and researchers. Teaching experience include over 4000 hours on topics such as innovation, entrepreneurship and management. Previously Henrik Barth have been Head of business department and Dean for the school of Business, Engineering and Science at Halmstad University for a total period of nine years. Research contributions include today 21 research projects and additionally 31 publications of which include 12 refereed journal articles. Melin, M. and Barth, H. (2020). Value stream mapping for sustainable change at a Swedish dairy farm. International Journal of Environment and Waste Management, 25(1), 130-140. Barth, H., Holmén, M., and Rosén, B-G. (2019). The use and abuse of 3D printing - Towards a mobile business model framework. International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications. 25(1), 1-9. Barth, H., Bäckman, E., and Ellmarker, J. (2019). Sustainable development for Food waste: A case study of catered meal service at schools and elderly care homes. Journal of Strategic Innovation and Sustainability. 14(2), 21-34. Barth, H. (2018). Diversity as a competitive advantage? A case study of immigrant labour in Swedish Agriculture, Journal of Leadership, Accountability and Ethics, 18(4), 130-137. Ulvenblad, P., Barth, H., Cederholm, J., Hoveskog, M., Ulvenblad, P-O., and Ståhl, J. (2018). Barriers to Business Model Innovation in the Agri-Food Industry: A Systematic Literature Review, Outlook on Agriculture, 47(4), 308–314. Barth, H. and Melin, M. (2018). A Green Lean approach to global competition and climate change in the agricultural sector – A Swedish case study. Journal of Cleaner Production, 204, 183-192. Melin, M. and Barth, H. (2018). Lean in Swedish agriculture: Strategic and operational perspectives. Production Planning & Control, 1-11. Barth, H., Ulvenblad, P.-O., and Ulvenblad, P. (2017). Towards a Conceptual Framework of Sustainable Business Model Innovation in the Agri-Food Sector: A Systematic Literature Review. Sustainability, 9, 1620. Tell, J., Hoveskog, M., Ulvenblad, P., Ulvenblad, P. O., Barth, H., and Ståhl, J. (2016a). Business Model Innovation in the Agri-food Sector. International Journal of Social Ecology and Sustainable Development, 7(2), 1-13. Tell, J., Hoveskog, M., Ulvenblad, P., Ulvenblad, P. O., Barth, H., and Ståhl, J. (2016b). Business model innovation in the agri-food sector: A literature review. British Food Journal, 118(6), 1462-1476. Hörte, S-Å, Barth, H., Chibba, A., Florén, H., Frishammar, J., Halila, F., Rundquist, J., and Tell, J. (2008). Product Development in SMEs: A literature review, International Journal of Technology Intelligence and Planning (IJTIP), 4 (3), 299-325. Barth, H. (2003). Fit Between Competitive Strategy, Administrative Mechanisms and Performance - A Comparative Study of Small Firms in Mature and New Industries. Journal of Small Business Management, 41(2), 133-147.