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ICT provider
mFarms was developed by IMAGE-AD with support from FtM project (implemented by IFDC) with funding from AGRA.
mFarms is an integrated / customizable Mobile and Web platform designed to help stakeholders in agricultural value chain communicate with each other efficiently, establish and maintain business relationships and manage the flow of goods and services among them.
It has capabilities for;
a. Pre-season production and purchase planning
b. Managing the supply chain
c. Verification of...
Stakeholders, Food chain, Advisory organisation, Service provider
Agrofutura is a privately hold Swiss consulting and implementation company, conducting interdisciplinary projects with a permanent staff of about 25 agronomists, biologists, environmental scientists and engineers. Core topics are agriculture and environment, species and biotopes, structural improvement, business management, regional development and policy consulting.
ICT-AGRI technologies are one key driver for an increase of sustainability in agriculture and Agrofutura is keen to push the...
Service provider, ICT provider
MyEasyFarm is a Cloud FMIS (Farm Management Information System) software editor based in France.
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Food chain, Service provider, Manufacturer, ICT provider
At Cultinova we provide bespoke, state-of-the-art sensing, control and data management solutions that optimise the performance and sustainability of Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA) and urban green infrastructure applications.
Utilising our range of modular, adaptable and scalable hardware together with a comprehensive and powerful cloud-computing software portfolio, we realise cost-effective Internet-of-Things sensing and control systems which enable agronomists, researchers and...
Network / partnership, Ministry / public service, EU action / network
The European Commission established the EIP-AGRI Service Point in April 2013 to connect people and facilitate innovation and knowledge-exchange in agriculture - by building the EIP-AGRI network. The network is open to anyone wiuth an interest in innovation in EU agriculture and forestry, farmers, foresters, advisers, agribusiness, researchers, NGOs, administration..
The Service Point provides the following services:
•A helpdesk, answering your questions.
•Focus Groups,...
Research institutions, University, Research organisations, Technology institutions, Network / partnership
ICT applications for climate change adaptation of farming systems
Strategic and Operational Management of Regional Agriculture and Rural Development
Capacity building for climate change adaptation of public, universities, Civil Society Organization
Technology development for climate change adaptation in agriculture, food, livestock, aquaculture, forestry
Energy management
Regional development with the respect of 4 E (Economy, Ecology, Ethic, Education)
