Elly Engels's blog

2nd development round of new demonstrators for the FAIR Data Spaces: invitation to companies and consortia

As part of the ongoing FAIR Data Spaces project, Fraunhofer is inviting companies and consortia to further enhance data exchange and collaboration across various sectors. In this second call, Fraunhofer is offering two research and development subcontracts, each with a budget of 90,000 euros. Participants are encouraged to either expand upon existing demonstrators or create new ones that innovatively address the challenges at the intersection of research and industry. The deadline for submitting proposals is 20 September 2024.

Extended deadline for 2024 ICT-AGR-FOOD Joint Call!

🌱 The 2024 Joint Call is open for proposals that will make contributions “Towards transformation of agri-food systems for the benefit of planetary health, consumers and other stakeholders along the food value chain using data-based systems and ICT technologies”.

ICT-AGRI-FOOD ERA-NET Seminar Warsaw 2024 - REPORT

Empowering Agrifood Innovation: Insights from the Business Valorisation Workshop in the Framework of ICT-AGRI-FOOD Funded Projects Seminar 2024 in Warsaw, Poland

The ICT-AGRI-FOOD ERA-NET Seminar in Warsaw: January 30 - February 1, 2024

We are excited to announce that the Final project seminar of the 2019 cofunded call projects and Kick-off Seminar of 2022 Joint Call projects will take place from 30st January to 1st of February in Warsaw, Poland. The seminar wil be hosted by the National Centre for Research and Development (NCBR)

Partnership AGROECOLOGY - pre-announcing upcoming call

New Call for European Research Projects!

The partnership AGROECOLOGY ("European partnership on accelerating farming systems transition –agroecology living labs and research infrastructures”) is pre-announcing an upcoming call for joint European research projects on the preliminary working topic “Fostering agroecology at farm and landscape levels” starting January 2024.  

agroecology pdf 



ESA Call for proposals on sustainable agriculture

The main objective of the Fixed Call for Proposals for Applications Activities in “The sustainable transformation of agriculture through digitalisation and space” is to develop space-based services and applications boosting the sustainable transformation of agriculture by taking advantage of data and innovative technologies.

EFFoST Seminar Series

Sustainable Food Systems: Connecting Expertise in Academia and Industry

This seminar series organized by the EFFoST Working Group on Sustainable Food Systems aims to
provide detailed insights into various facets of sustainability in the food sector. The seminars will
include expert talks, practical indications from industry professionals, as well as short presentations
from selected early stage researchers.

The Role of Advanced Computation, Predictive Technologies, and Big Data Analytics Related to Food and Nutrition Research: A Workshop

A two-day public workshop will explore current knowledge and practice related to the application of advanced computation, big data analytics, and high-performance computing to support scientific advances in food and nutrition research. The workshop will feature invited presentations and discussions that will focus on providing guidance to researchers and policy-makers. Specific topic areas to be considered include definitions and methodology; current applications to food and nutrition research; considerations for diversity, equity, and inclusion; and more.


1st Green ERA-HUB research funding Call

Contributions towards a sustainable and resilient agri-food system

The announcement of the 1st Green ERA-HUB Call has been published. The call will be on ‘Contributions towards a sustainable and resilient agri-food system’ and is applicable both for organic and conventional research.

ESA Call: Connected Agriculture

The ESA call provides an opportunity funding to European teams who would like to develop a service related to Connected Agriculture. Funding will be provided by the European Space Agency (ESA) for 6-month projects called ‘Kick-Starts’, which can lead to larger scale Demonstration Projects and Feasibility Studies. Kick-Starts are 75% funded by ESA for a maximum of €60K per contract. Proposed services must use satellite data or space-based technologies. Please see the ‘Authorisation of Funding’ section below to check whether your team is eligible for funding.


The Green New Deal and Farm to Fork strategy put precision agriculture and smart farming among the main instruments for a more sustainable practice. The EU Common Agriculture Policy provides several opportunities (eg. ‘eco-schemes’, Innovation through EIP AGRI Operational Groups, different kind of Investments, etc.). Besides the many potential benefits, precision agriculture and smart farming bring also the problem of data management, data interoperability and machine interoperability.

